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King Solomon, David's son, was an Israelite, with two Israelite (Jewish) parents. Being a Jew also means obedience to God. For this reason David is recorded as telling his son on his deathbed to follow God alone, which Solomon apparently did for the first part of his reign; his later acceptance of the pagan gods of his many wives does impart some doubt as to his earlier obedience. He followed the religion of his father and his people for most of his life until he "fell away" from it.

Answer 2

Solomon was an Israelite who served God his whole life.

Following the system of prophecy, which was to spotlight and severely castigate any errors in God's eyes, Solomon is blamed as if he personally worshiped foreign gods (1 Kings, ibid), although it was actually only some of his foreign-born wives who did so (Talmud, Shabbat 56b). Solomon's error was in not supervising their households more carefully.

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That would depend on your definition of "Jewish". If you mean "Israelite", than yes, he was. If it's "Jewish", of the tribe "Judah", than no, he was in the tribe of "Benjamin"

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Q: Was King Solomon Jewish
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King Solomon built the First Jewish Temple. Traditional chronology places the dedication of the Temple (when he finished building it; 1 Kings ch.8) in 832 BCE, while non-traditional opinions put it at an earlier time.See also the Related Link.More about King Solomon

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King David built up the city of Jerusalem, and his son King Solomon built the First Temple. See also:King DavidandKing Solomon

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According to traditional chronology, Solomon was king over Israel from 836 to 796 BCE. See also: Jewish history timeline

Who are the jinn spoken of by King Solomon?

A:The Jewish/Christian Old Testament is the earliest account of the life of the Israelite king Solomon, but contains no reference to jinn. It is not until much later, in the Quran that we see jinn associated with Solomon. Surah 002.192 says that Shaitans spoke evil against Solomon.

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King Solomon !