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The Era of Good Feeling reached its peak in the election of 1820, when President Monroe was re-elected with an overwhelming majority. The name really reflects more of an attitude of keeping things the way they were, than with the contentment of the people There was a bitter debate going on over the issue of slavery. It was during that year that the territory of Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state (called the Missouri Compromise), to keep the number of slave and free states equal. The Underground Railroad, the network of people who helped slaves escape to safe territory, was growing rapidly. The number of people who helped grew, as well as the elaborate plans of transportation, hiding places, legal help, and gathering of food and clothing that made the Underground Railroad successful.

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Q: Was slavery an issue during the Era of Good Feeling?
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James Monroe is the "Era of good feeling " president and he was reelected in1820.