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The whole "Conservative vs Liberal" concept can be interpreted whatever way you like, but in general, "conservative" has historically been assigned to people, political parties and actions that are in their very nature resistant political, social or moral change. On the other hand, the term "Liberal" has been used to describe people, political parties and actions that embrace change. More recently, Liberal vs Conservative has morphed to describe socialist/communist vs capitalist/free market ideologies. Generally, the conservatives will argue that a free market economy will provide more opportunity for growth and allows anyone to succeed or fail, based on their own ability and motivation. Generally Liberals will argue that the masses are unable to adequately provide for themselves and must have the aid of the government to provide for their medical, shelter and food. Of course, dedicated Liberals would want to force everyone into the same system. King George and all of England were trying to maintain the existing system when the Patriots of the New World decided that they wanted to change their political system. The fact that they wanted to bring about change means that by one definition, they were Liberal. On the other hand, the fact that they were trying to conquer the new world with the aid of the Crown was an example of moral or social change, which would have been considered more Liberal, and the CROWN would have been considered the Liberal political movement. Which side was more Liberal and which was more conservative? You get to make that determination depending on your side of the argument.

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11y ago

Yes, of course, in the eyes of the loyalists. They saw that it was radical that the Americans wanted freedom, from the king. They paid the taxes and liked the king.

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15y ago

Yes it was indeed both radical and conservative because they are bothe dealilng with the war.

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Q: Was the American Revolution considered a radical movement?
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Was the american revolution conservative or radical?

The American Revolution was considered both conservative and radical. The results of the revolution were radical while the movement itself was conservative. Wealthy individuals used their personal fortunes to finance the Continental army at great risk to themselves which was radical at the time. The government that was created was conservative.

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Yes, William Lloyd Garrison was the founder of the radical anti-slavery movement.

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The radical Native American group that called for Native American lands to be returned is the American Indian Movement.

Was the american revolution a radical event?

The American Revolution was a radical event that involved a total reformation of the British colonies into a separate country. The even sparked a war where many lost their lives and the British lost their stake in cash crops.

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It was the French Revolution because the French Revolution began in 1789 and eventually was inspired by the American Revolution. It became very radical and the King was eventually beheaded.

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The "push" was both substantial and radical for its time.

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by doin nothin

What significant american event helped inspire the french revolution?

It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.

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Samuel Adams

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Although the American Revolution did little for women politically, women proved their worth on the home front. They demonstrated that they could be as involved -- and as useful -- as men, even if not fighting.

What were the similarities between Rhode Island and Massachusetts bay?

For one, both were radical states during the American Revolution.