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Q: Was the Armenian genocide done by the Turkish government?
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Was anything done to punish the ones to blame for the Armenian genocide?

Two Turkish leaders were assainated after the Genocide but Turkey hasn't done anything not even accepted the fact that it was Genocide. Nothing has been done to punsih Turkey.

What ended Armenian GEnocide?

The Armenian Genocide ended when the Armenian community on the Eastern part of the land beat the Turkish in the battle of Sardarabad, consequently ended their killing rampage on Armenian soil. Most of the Armenians in western cities were killed in a systematic killing by ethnicity and many cities captured by the Turks. However the Armenian Genocide has not truly ended because the Turks still deny that this great atrocity happened and the last stage of genocide is denial. Also Armenians in Turkey are still being killed for speaking their mind about the events of 1915. Recently an Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was killed for reporting about the Armenian Genocide. ----- 'Armenian Genocide' ended because what was intented as 'genocide' was done. What was intended was to isolate Turkish and Armenian populations which were nearly between a civil war. As Armenians were only %20 of these provinces in East they were deported to Russia and todays Syria. In 1922 Turkish Nationalist Army won against Democratic Republic of Armenia thus a peace treatry is signed.

What were two examples of genocide in the 20th century?

The best known are in chronological order: 1. Herero War, German Southwest Africa, (1904-07): 75 000, Imperial Germany war against natives. 2. The Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire (1915-1917). This genocide is vehemently denied by the Turkish government 3. The Nazi genocide of the Jews (1941), often referred to as the Holocaust 4. The massacre of the Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda in 1994. 5. Various leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, NOrth Korea, Romania, and other states have also done this.

Why did people go to jail for talking about the Armenian Genocide?

It is ILLEGAL to speak about the Armenian Genocide in Turkey (most of Turkey was formerly Armenian homeland) because: 1. It is against Turkish Nationalistic policy to talk against Turkey - in other words if you talk against Turkey it is seen as high treason and you will be punished to the full extent of the law. 2. They deny there was ever a genocide so that they don't have any responsibility to reimburse any of the Armenian losses that occurred as a result of their forcibly removing them from their homeland and taking their possessions or enabling hardened Turkish criminals they put in charge of handling the "armenian problem". One of the most famous Armenian journalists and newspaper publishers, Hrant Dink was assassinated in full view and in broad daylight in Turkey (formerly Armenia) where his office was, on his way in to work. Instead of punishing the shooter as any civilized democratic country's government would have done - they hailed him as a HERO. The only reason why the United States has not FORCED Turkey to acknowledge the case of Genocide is because we have military bases there for strategic location and neither this president nor any of the former ones want to "rock the boat". So, whilst we are on US land, the US acknowledges it - but don't ask them to force Turkey to recognize their atrocities - they just will not do it and have openly threatened the US a couple of years ago when they were being strong-armed by the United Nations into admitting it.

How did the people react after the Armenian genocide?

The internation community condemned the genocide. The Allied victors demanded, after the war, that the Ottoman government prosecute the Young Turks occused of wartime crimes. however, nothing was ever really done. Because it was not a genocide but a war. The Armenians had began to attack the Ottoman army and the Ottomans responsed. Besides the war, there were civil killings from both sides. Ottoman Empire hanged many Turks as a punishment. Nothing was done to Armenians who killed civil Turks. They were only banished from Turkish soil.

Was anything done to try and prevent the Armenian genocide from happening?

no This is arguable... it is an opinion...I believe it could have been prevented because World War 1 had greatly weakened the Armenians and the war had prevented other countries who had wanted to help from helping because they had little monet and supplies to spare.

How is genocide related to political science?

The first thing you will have to ask yourself is 'what is genocide'? Now, a definition isn't really necessary, but you must know that genocide simply relates to mass murdering a group of people [the victim] on purpose. And it is usually done by the government [the perpetrator], in our case a dictatorial regime perhaps.As you can see from the aforementioned, cases on genocice immediately related to politics and thus the science of politics (i.e political science).To understand more of its relation, I suggest you do some further reading by studying cases of genocide (like the Armenian Question/Genocide).

Could anything have been done to prevent the Armenian genocide from happening?

During WW1, Armenians sided with Russia while fighting with Turkey. If this did not happen it might have made the situation better.

How many people died in the Armenian genocide?

It has been estimated that anywhere from 600,000 to 1.5 million Armenians died during the 1st world war.___The usual figure is about 1.2-1.5 million in the Turkish genocide of the Armenians. The above answer is deliberately misleading. For some reason, successive Turkish governments, Turkish nationalists and their friends just haven't got what it takes - even now, over eighty years after the event to face up to their past. They could learn a thing or two from the Germans and Austrians and earn respect by doing so. Instead they lie, lie and lie. Shameful!----The correct number can not be given yet as the genocide is not finished, a lot of Armenians still have to die to get the job done!

What will it take for Turkish government to stop resisting the Armenians call to recognise The Armenian Massacres as a genocide and also admit to their part in it?

Unfortunately, many countries have a dominant narrative, and they pass it down through the generations. Dominant narratives can be altered, but it takes dramatic events and courageous leaders to change something that people in a country have believed for so long. For example, America used to have slavery, and millions of white people defended holding black people in bondage, saying it was an economic necessity, in order for the southern states to prosper. Today, however, few if any white people, even in the south, would praise slavery. And as a result of the Civil War, along with the decision of President Abraham Lincoln to emancipate the slaves, great changes occurred throughout the entire country. Still, while slavery has fallen out of favor, attitudes about racial equality have taken much longer to change, and some would say that the struggle for racial justice in the US in still ongoing.Turkey has long told the story that the Armenian genocide did not happen-- Armenians died from disease or other problems, but Turkey was not to blame for any of it. No matter how many times the Turkish government has been confronted with facts that show a genocide did occur, there is great resistance to admitting it; it's a point of national pride in Turkey that the Turkish people are humane, and would never have done such a thing. While I would love to predict that this attitude of denial will change in the near future, I don't see much chance of it. The current leader of Turkey seems to be quite nationalistic and autocratic, so it's doubtful that he will be the one to ask his fellow Turks to think differently about their historical narratives or tell the truth about what happened to the Armenians.

What has the us done to help genocide?


Why does the Turkish government deny that a genocide took place?

"Because it is Armenian propoganda and did not really happen!" says the initial poster of this question. There real answer is because of people like this person. Over the last century the Turkish government has done everything in its power to promote forgetting the genocide and to rational the great crime. There were no nuremberg trials which is why it was less known of and not as globally recognized as the Jewish Holocaust. Its was hidden under the cloak of war and is slowly getting the recognition it deserves (Twenty-one countries including Sweden, Argentina and Canada and forty-three states of the United States of America have recognized the Armenian Genocide, with and overwhelming majority of historians in support).