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Roman Catholic AnswerNeither, they are a confused mess, some of them are very Catholic, witness # 76, "We say, on the contrary, that the papal pardons are not able to remove the least venial sins, so far as guilt is concerned." This is pure Catholic teaching - and always has been. And # 71, "He who speaks agains the truth of apostolic pardons, let him be anathema and accursed!" - one in which Martin Luther shortly afterward condemned himself.

But then, look at # 16, "Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to differ as do despair, almost-despair, and the assuance of safety". This is just plain nonsense, as those in purgatory are saved, and know it, and heaven is much more than an "assurance of safety."

They are certainly not protestant, I don't think you could find a protestant on the planet, who would willing preach over half of them.

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Q: Were the Ninety-Five Theses protestant or Catholic?
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Who led the protestant reformation with the 95 theses directed at questionable catholic practices?

Martin Luther

How did Martain Luther start the theses?

he didn't like the catholic church and found many problems with it. so he wrote up the theses and founded the protestant church in Germany

Who displayed the 95 theses which listed practices he thought the Catholic Church needed to change starting the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther

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German theologian Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in the early 16th century. It was an attempt to reform the Catholic Church.

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Martin Luther is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation in 1517 after publishing The Ninety-Five Theses. It stemmed from malpractice and simony in the Roman Catholic Church.

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95 Theses written by Martin Luther is considered the catalyst for the protestant reformation in England in the 1500's. It focused on the Catholic church practices.

In the Middle Ages who posted 95 theses that disagreed with the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther posted his complaints on the cathedral door and sparked the Protestant Revolt.

Who posted the 95 Theses sparking the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses.

How did the 95 theses have an impact on society?

They were the start of the Reformation movement, leading to the establishment of the Lutheran, Calvinist and other Protestant religions, leading to the establishment of Protestant vs. Catholic States, leading to religious persecution of Protestants (France) or Catholics (England) and leading to the birth of The Netherlands as a (protestant) nation after an 80 year-long war with catholic Spain.

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She was a Protestant

Which publication sparked the Protestant Reformation?

95 Theses

Who were the Protestant leaders in the 1500s?

You'll want to do a search under "Protestant Reformation" to get a complete answer to this. Martin Luther was the first of the leaders of the reformation. He is famous for nailing up his 95 theses on why the Catholic church was wrong. He lived from 1483-1546.