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According to the research I've done, yes they were mostly various types of Protestant Christians. There were a couple of Roman Catholics also, but I found no record of any Atheists or Agnostics who signed the Constitution. Type your answer here...

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There is no definite, undeniable answer to the question. However, it's stated that a few prominent 'Founding Fathers' were anti-clerical Christians, such as Thomas Jefferson (who created the so-called "Jefferson Bible") and Benjamin Franklin. Others (most notably Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense") were deists, or at least held beliefs very similar to those of deists. Historians argue that the leading Founders (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, Robert Morris, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington) were neither Christians nor Deists, but rather supporters of a hybrid "theistic rationalism".

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Q: Were the signers of the Constitution Christians?
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