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Exactly when the noh mask came into being is not entirely clear however it is believed that masks, and their names still used today, were developed from the mid to latter part of the Muromachi period (1392-1573). Previous to that time, the mask conventions were not entirely set and masks themselves had stronger religious connotations. It was during the Muromachi period that the religious significance of the masks began to wane and they took on more human characteristics. It is thought that as performers started to think more about the use of yūgen (mysterious beauty) and profundity, they felt they needed to hide the unattractive aspects of their own faces and concentrate on making the beauty of noh stronger.

Between the end of the Muromachi period and the modern age the art of making noh masks was established as a hereditary art with a long lineage. Two examples are the Deme family from Echizen (present day Fukui prefecture) and the Iseki family from Ohmi (present day Shiga prefecture). Following the establishment of noh mask making families, the stylization of noh masks significantly advanced. Even today there are many independent mask makers. While some nohgaku performers still make their own masks, the performance world and the mask-making world are essentially independent of each other.

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Type in kabuki masks on google search and click on the link that takes you to wikipediea, BLAD

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There are alot of different Japanese masks, they are called Noh masks and hanya is a type of them. If you type in Google 'Noh Masks' it comes with unlimited references and pictures. Enjoy!

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I hate you is pronounced "Na nen noh sheeia.", Na meaning I, noh meaning you, and sheeia meaning hate. Nen is simply there because it has to be.

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Noh refers to a type of Japanese play, which itself comes from a word meaning "skill/talent."

What are facts about noh theatre?

sorry, i cant say 10 but here are a few1. in the intermissions of noh acts- it linked the theme of the Noh play with the modern world by means of farce and slapstick. The Noh was only performed to the high level class. Unlike Noh, the performers of Kyogen do not wear masks, unless their role calls for physical transformation.2. they have the earliest existing Kyogen scripts date from the 14th centurysorry xx that is only 2 but still better than nothing

What types of theatre use masks?

Masks were an integral part of ancient Greek tragedy, and possibly comedy as well. Half-masks were used in the Commedia dell'arte's improvised performances, the character was thought to be inherent in the mask. Japanese Noh plays use very intricate masks that appear to change expression when he angle of the head changes. Though they are not masks, elaborate make-up in Kabuki and Bejing Opera serves a similar purpose.

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You're probably thinking either of "Noh" (能), or "Kabuki" (歌舞伎) which incorporates dancing and the actors wear face-paint instead of masks (as in Noh). There's also "Bunraku" (文楽), which is puppet theatre.

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