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1 in 7,000,000,000 and you would not survive it

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Q: What are the chances of being hit by a meteorite?
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What are your chances of getting hit by a meteorite?

very, very remote

Can a meteorite hit another meteorite?

Yes,it can.

Are you gonna get hit by a meteor soon?

I doubt it. The probability of being hit by a meteorite in your lifetime is estimated at about 1 in 700,000.

What are the Odds of being hit by a meteorite the size of a Tennis Ball?

like 5 out of a billion

Is the meteorite hit the Earth?

Yes. A meteorite is a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit Earth's surface.

What are the odds of being hit by a lighting?

You're chances of being hit by lightning are about 1 in 5,000.

Is a falling star a meteor or meteorite?

A falling star is a meteor. A meteorite is a meteor that has hit the ground.

What are the chances of a mediaroide hitthing the Earth?

Zero. By definition a meteoriod cannot hit the earth. On a meteoriod enters the atmospehe it becomes a meteor amd when it hits the earth it is a Meteorite.

What is a meteor called when it hit earth?

It is called a meteorite.

Who was hit by meteorite in Alabama?

Ann Hodges

What year did the meteorite hit the dinosaurs?


Did a meteorite hit any country?
