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carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, boron, nickel, vanadium, zinc, sulfur,

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Q: What 20 elements from the periodic table are used in everyday life?
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Related questions

Why is the periodic table called the key of life?

It is called the key of life because all the elements or compounds of the elements of on the periodic table make up the world.

How does the periodic table makes life easier?

Periodic table groups elements with same properties together. It makes the study of elements easier.

What element is used everyday?

The roles of elements in your daily life are quite significant. For instance elements like oxygen and carbon dioxide are responsible for life itself. Other elements like nitrogen, aluminum and so on also have significant roles in our daily lives.

What elements in chemistry that has short life spans and not included in periodic table?

You think probable to isotopes; but the most important isotope of artificial radioactive elements is included in the periodic table.

Why is the mendeleevs table called the periodic table?

Because the properties of the elements change in a periodic fashion. In the early versions, when fewer elements were known, the chemically similar elements were thought to occur every eight positions.

What are Dmitri Mendeleev's discoveries except the periodic table are?

Periodic Principles Law of Periodicity Periodic Table of Toxic Elements These are three of the many discoveries Dmitri Mendeleev researched during his life (1834-1907).

What did Dimtri Mendeleev did not know about the periodic table?

Only some elements were discovered during the life of Mendeleev.

How in a everyday life do you use a periodic table?

Every day, you drink water. (Hydrogen, Oxygen) You eat salt. (Sodium, Chlorine) You breath air. (Oxygen) You eat sugar. (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen) You brush your teeth. (there is baking soda in toothpaste, baking soda is made of Sodium, Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen) --PainRain

How would your life as a chemistry student be affected it there were no periodic table of elements?

Chemistry is mainly based on the elements so there probably wouldn't be a class for it

How many elements are there in the periodic table?

There are 91 natural elements. These can be found naturally everywhere in the world. However, new elements have been artificially made in a laboratorium. So far, 27 elements have been made by humans, leaving a total of 118 elements on the periodic table. However, these synthetic elements can't be considered real elements, since they disappear almost as fast as they were made. For instance, ununoctium's (element number 118) most stable isotope has a half-life of 0.00089 seconds. But in the Extended version of the periodic table it goes all the way up to element 173 but no research has been found yet.....EXTENDED PERIODIC TABLE:11H2He23Li4Be5B6C7N8O9F10Ne311Na12Mg13Al14Si15P16S17Cl18Ar419K20Ca21Sc22Ti23V24Cr25Mn26Fe27Co28Ni29Cu30Zn31Ga32Ge33As34Se35Br36Kr537Rb38Sr39Y40Zr41Nb42Mo43Tc44Ru45Rh46Pd47Ag48Cd49In50Sn51Sb52Te53I54Xe655Cs56Ba57La58Ce59Pr60Nd61Pm62Sm63Eu64Gd65Tb66Dy67Ho68Er69Tm70Yb71Lu72Hf73Ta74W75Re76Os77Ir78Pt79Au80Hg81Tl82Pb83Bi84Po85At86Rn787Fr88Ra89Ac90Th91Pa92U93Np94Pu95Am96Cm97Bk98Cf99Es100Fm101Md102No103Lr104Rf105Db106Sg107Bh108Hs109Mt110Ds111Rg112Cn113Uut114Uuq115Uup116Uuh117Uus118Uuo8119Uue120Ubn121Ubu122Ubb123Ubt124Ubq125Ubp126Ubh127Ubs128Ubo129Ube130Utn131Utu132Utb133Utt134Utq135Utp136Uth137Uts138Uto139Ute140Uqn141Uqu142Uqb143Uqt144Uqq145Uqp146Uqh147Uqs148Uqo149Uqe150Upn151Upu152Upb153Upt154Upq155Upp156Uph157Ups158Upo159Upe160Uhn161Uhu162Uhb163Uht164Uhq165Uhp166Uhh167Uhs168Uho9169Uhe170Usn171Usu172Usb173Ust170Usn171Usu172Usb173UstActually, there are 117 elements on the periodic table. But, they couldn't make element number 117 so it's 1-116 and then 118.There are 118 elements in the periodic table (March 2013).

Why is the periodic table is important?

The periodic table is important because the world we live in is made up of chemicals and chemical reactions. To understand these reactions and continue to exist, we need to have the information at our fingertips and organized in an efficient way. The periodic table of elements is a fabulous way to organize and understand elements that make up everything. Chemical reactions and elements affect the way we live. The periodic table is organized so people can understand the properties of certain elements (molar mass, electronegativity, bond enthalpies, etc.).

Is it possible to make a real life periodic table of elements?

Yes Not a complete one. Some of the higher-number elements have half-lives of only fractions of a second.