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I suffer from panic attacks to the point where I have had to have an ambulance called to assist me.

My answer to this question is not an exact treatment but helpful when having one, TRY and relax, breath slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, this slow breathing WILL slow your heart rate down allowing you to start relaxing.

This I know can be difficult when you feel that you cannot breath and you are panicking for air but trust me it does work. I also understand how scary it is, especially when it happens and you are on your own but trust in your own ability to control the attack. When you have done it once you start to build up the confidence that you are in control and like me, will have less panic attacks.

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Q: What About Panic Attack Treatment?
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What kind of treatment plans are available for panic attack?

A commonly used treatment for panic disorders is a combination of medication and behavioral modification. Benozodiazepine is used as well, since it gives sufferers of a panic attack more immediate effect of relief.

Panic Attack Treatment Options?

Panic attack treatment options include taking medications such as anti-anxiety medications and beta blockers. Anti-anxiety medications are typically only recommended for short periods of time, however, taking beta blockers can be an effective long-term panic attack treatment option. Panic attacks can cause palpitations, dizziness, chest pain and lightheadedness. In addition, shortness of breath, a sense of smothering and profuse sweating may also occur during a panic attack. Another effective panic attack treatment option includes the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is administered by a mental health professional.

What's a good treatment for panic attacks?

The cause of panic attacks and treatment of them varies between individuals. A suggested treatment is to gradually expose oneself to the situation where a panic attack is likely. Try imagining the situation prior to entering it and see yourself as confident and successfully proceeding through the entire event without an attack.

Where can I find panic attack treatment?

There are many sites that offer information about panic attacks. Sometimes these attacks are a precursor to a health ailment. Its a good idea to get a checkup from your doctor.

Can you get schizophrenia from a panic attack?


Do people remember when they've had or were about to have panic attacks?

Yes, you do remember when you are abut to have a panic attack. You can also remember everything going on around you when you are having the panic attack.

Can an anxiety treatment center help with panic attacks?

Yes, an anxiety treatment center can help with panic attacks. Many patients who seek treatment suffer from panic attacks and there are many effective treatments available.

Can you die having a panic attack?

I don't think so Yea, if your heart is weak,you may die of a panic attack.

Which site has panic disorder prevention? has a great selection on panic disorder information. Articles range from how to realize you are having a panic attack to how to stay calm and collected during a panic attack until it passes.

Causes of a panic attack?

A panic attack is caused by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of anxiety or fear. They may also be linked to other disorders, such as panic disorders, social phobia, or depression.

What is a term used for a nervous fit?

Panic Attack. Anxiety Attack.

Can crack cocaine cause a panic attack?

Yes. Anything that alters your state of mind can cause your body to panic. For some people even smoking marijuana can cause a panic attack. And for others with panic disorder, panic attacks can come on without the use of drugs.