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America's political system is quite unique, exuding balance and a separation of powers, endowed with checks and balances. It is a more evolved political system, able to thwart the expeditious political and economic developments of our modern age. This system has great democratic assets. These include a constitution which is the antithesis of 18th century Britain's monarchical system of absolute power. Surely the 'founding fathers' had invocations of creating such a system. But how did they contrive this remarkably stable political system? We may find this answer in the philosophical and historical foundations which helped imbue the ideals we base our system upon

Historically the nation-states provided an example of united nations which recognized national sovereignty. This is somewhat similar to our united-states, where in states are independent of each other, yet belong to the same nation. The nation-states were formed in the age of Renaissance expedited by The Reformation. Succeeding a thirty year war fought over what is today Germany, people sought peace, which they got in 1648 with the 'Peace of Westphalia'. In addition to national sovereignty, the nation-states contributed an example of people, whom begun to think of themselves as citizens of a particular nation with rights and duties. This coincides our idea of citizenship; we are part of a nation in which we have rights, and duties. Political thinking in the era of European nation-states questioned what kind of government would be ideal. Through their trials and tribulations the founders gained insight on how to institute a form of nationalistic rhetoric for ideal government.

Among other things, the middle ages were a prime example of what I would sobriquet as the "do's and dont's of society", such as class systems or hierarchical ranking. In retrospection, I believe the founder's may have looked at these exemplifications of caste systems and inequality as hindering to an efficient government. Despite these things, feudalism gave us an idea of a commerce of services between lord's and vassals. Vassals worked the lands of their Lord in return for protection and certain rights. This in my opinion resembles our government which has a military paid for by taxation in order to protect us. In addition, our government and its institutions guarantee our rights, and freedoms, much like the lords whom imbued vassals with rights. The difference in this context is the fact that people in this time were loyal to their lord, rather than a country. In conception however, it is still a commendable testing-ground, if you will, for culminating a type of social contract between man and government.

When we talk about the idea of 'rights' a few concepts should come to mind. Such as individualism, and the idea of social equality. This word has meaning to us because of the ideals it exemplifies. We are accustom to the idea that we as human beings have inalienable rights; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and or estate (john Locke). Two foundations helped evocate these rights; Judeo-Christian philanthropy and natural rights philosophy. While the doctrine of Judeo-Christianity predominantly focused on the idea of private morality and obedience to God's law, it also promoted the idea of equality. Such as the belief that all men are created equal in the eyes of god; that each human being has worth, and should be dignified. These ideals are very much alive today in our society, we constantly seek to further our equality; discrimination is not tolerated, and institutions have been put in place to ensure this.

Natural rights philosophy also influenced the founders idea of 'rights'. This is where we get the term 'inalienable rights' or innate rights that apply regardless of social status, and wealth. This philosophy begins by imagining how life would be if we lived in a state of nature, with no government. Or in other words, without an authority which enforces rules. If we begin to think this way, it is quite liberating. We can picture what civil society would be like if people could agree to leave the state of nature; this brings to mind the idea of birth rights, which are inherent. Some of natural rights philosophy is congruent with Judeo-Christian ideas, such an human equality. And these beliefs sequentially provided a weapon in the incursion of slavery and various inequalities in America, such as women's suffrage.

Conclusively, all of these philosophies, and historical examples were salubrious to the founding of our political system. If not for history, and philosophy; our founding fathers wouldn't of had as much hindsight to conceptualize what synthesizes and fabricates an efficient political system. Fortunately for the people of this great nation, we have equality, a military which protects us, national sovereignty, and inalienable rights. We are also fortunate to have a government which has gone to great lengths to ensure a 'counter-balancing' political system. Our ancestors undoubtedly played an important role in providing enough human history, and philosophical doctrine for the founders to actuate into what we know today as the American political system.

-Ryan Spikes


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Q: What Are the Philosophical and Historical Foundations of the American Political System?
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