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Q: What Democratic method of electing the US President and why?
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What is electing the President?

The US President is chosen by the Electoral College

Is the US sexist for not electing a woman president?

No. Not at all. Absolutely not.

What document governs the US elections?

The US Constitution as amended provides the process for electing the President.

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Electing the U.S president

Why doesn't the popular vote elect the US President and Vice President?

The US Constitution whose ratification by the states created the United States specifies an indirect process for electing the president.

Why is the method of choosing a president fair?

There is nothing inherently unfair about the US method of electing the president, All qualified candidates have an equal chance and the system has been proven to work for over 200 years. No country has ever seen such a long procession of good leaders, and who have come from all walks of life, rich and poor.

Does religion matter to be a president in the US?

Electing the first Roman Catholic president (Kennedy) was a major breakthrough. Religion matters less than it used to, but there are probably several barriers left. It will probably be a long time before we see our way to electing a Mormon, and perhaps a longer time still before electing a president who does not practice religion at all.

Which action in the process of electing a president of th US is provided for in the federal constitution?

the electoral college casting ballots

Which amendment created the electoral college system use for the electing the president of the us?

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Is it true that in the 1920s Franklin D. Roosevelt was the unsuccessful democratic nominee for president of the US?

Yes, in 1920s Franklin D. Roosevelt was the unsuccessful democratic nominee for president of the US.

Why do you not elect a president by popular vote?

Because the President is elected based on Electoral votes. The US Constitution spells out the process for electing the President. Congress has never changed the way we do it.