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Q: What animals have a body temp that is affected by their environment?
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Related questions

Are echinoderms ectothermic or endothermic?

they are ectothermic because their body temp. is the same as their environment.

How is homeostasis affected by the human body?

temp, sweating. etc..

How do turtles adapt to their environment?

their body temp changes

How do coldblooded animals maintain their body temperature at night?

with the blood of there body temp. Also the room temp

How does temp affect animals?

lower or higher environmental temp than body temp makes the animal's body work harder to maintain body temp (i.e., greater energy expenditure)

Is a mouse a ectotherm or endotherm?

endothermic. meaning they regulate body temp.

Do all animals control their own body temperature?

No they cannot bt changes in the environment wil cause them to show effects of changes in temperatures of their bodies e.g sweatin to reduce body temp.

The amount of energy the body needs is affected by?

1.) Body Composition 2.) Body Temp. 3.) Physical Activity

Are alligators coldblooded?

Yes they are reptiles, so their body temp. changes with its environment.

Are amphibians endotherms?

endotherms are the animals (or whatever) that have internal metabolic means for regulating their constant body temperature . but amphibians have to keep themselves in an environment that match their body temperature. so they are ectotherms and not endotherms. they maintain their body temp. by changing their exposure to sunlight, contact with ground, and hibernation etc

Warm-blooded animals respond to higher tempertrue by?

sweating or some other means of lowering their body temp.

What is the difference between an ectotherm and an endothermic?

Ectotherm- an animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of its surrounding environment. Endotherm- an animal whose body temperature does not change with its surrounding environment. Ectotherms are animals like snakes and lizards that change their body temp with the ambient temperature. Endotherms are humans and other mammals like birds that keep there body temperature the same no matter what the climate is like. The process of homeostasis regulates our body temperature through negative feedback. For example, when our body temperature decreases due to the cold environment, we shiver to increase the body temperature. When the body temperature increases, we sweat to decrease the body temperature.