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He would be in the music video Thriller. :)

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Q: What Joseph Stalin would look like now if he was still alive?
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How old is Saint Joseph?

If he were still alive today he would be nearly 2100 years old.

How old is Joseph Stalin?

Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878 and died on March 5, 1953. Joseph Stalin would have been 74 years old at the time of death or 136 years old today.

Who is the Wartime leader of USSR?

I believe it would be Joseph Stalin

What was Joseph Stalin's impact on the world?

Hitler probably would have won WWII

Did Joseph Stalin have any fears?

Joseph Stalin feared that Western Germany would gain too much power. He blockaded all roads entering the former capitol of Germany.

Who would Joseph Stalin like to meet?

a dictator he was like Hitler and would not be pleasant to meet

What did Joseph Stalin want out of the treaty of Versailles?

Joseph Stalin hoped that the Treaty of Versailles would result in Hitler causing a Civil War. He wanted Communists to take over the country of Germany.

Who is more famous Joseph Stalin or Justin Bieber?

I would have to say Stalin since most older people won't know who JB is

How would Joseph Stalin deal with people who opposed him?

They either went to the gulag, or they were killed.

What disease did Joseph Stalin contract that would scare his face at age nine?


What job in present day would be good for Joseph Stalin?

Premier of PRC, President of Cuba.

What means did Joseph Stalin use to achieve power?

Joseph Stalin used his position and created allies. He then isolated his enemies one by one, therefore rendering them powerless to his will. He then slowly killed off his enemies until his government had complete control.