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The question said "Native Americans" who helped the settlers. The Puritans occupied Indian lands in what is now Massachusetts. Jamestown was down in the southeast - Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Indians who interacted with those setllers were part of the Powhatan Confederacy, a group of local tribes. It was a complex relationship between English and natives. The Powhatans did help, at first, in terms of farming practices, fishing and other forms of survival but the English settlers were violent and greedy for land from the beginning, causing conflicts.

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The Puritan Indians helped the Jamestown colonists in their time of need.

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Q: How did American Indians help the Jamestown colonists?
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Because the colonists had the help from the Indians who already knew how to survive in the region. For example they used dead fish as a fertilizer so their crops could grow, but who helped them, American Indians

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no way Jose, the Jamestown settlers had to get help from the powhattans because the colonists were invading their lands

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the colonists were the people of the colony, so therefore they basically had to help if they wanted to keep the colony running.

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They showed them how to grow different foods and crops, which allowed the Jamestown colonists to survive.

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The Powhatan Indians.

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The year 1620. :)

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The indians