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Any thing that causes bumps on the genitals could be mistaken for herpes by some people. For example if you tested positive for herpes then I'm sorry but there isn't any thing else it could be.
Some times trick or warts can look like herpes, but genital herpes can have some distinct symptoms. An initial break out can be very pain full.

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Q: What STDs can cause symptoms of herpes?
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Herpes and syphilis are STDs that can cause sores on the mouth or genitals (or anywhere else).

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Herpes and HPV are not necessarily more dangerous than other STDs, but they are more troublesome because there is no medication to cure them. Treatment to decrease symptoms and complications is available.

What is vaginal redness bumps and itching mean?

By the sound of it, STD. Which one? Well it might be herpes or genital warts. There are other stds with similar symptoms though

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Chlamydia doesn't cause bumps or a rash. Bumps or a rash can be caused by many other things, including STDs (herpes, warts, trichomoniasis), dermatitis, and infections that aren't sexually transmitted. Most women and many men with chlamydia have no symptoms, so if you think there's any chance that you're infected, you should see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all cause some of the same symptoms as UTI.

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Both trichomoniasis and herpes can cause genital irritation.

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aids, herpes and oter STDS :)

Can an STD cause urinary tract infections?

One reason STDs spread is because people think they can only be infected if they have sexual intercourse. That's wrong. A person can get some STDs, like herpes or genital warts, through skin-to-skin contact with an infected area or sore. Another myth about STDs is that you can't get them if you have oral or anal sex. That's also wrong because the viruses or bacteria that cause STDs can enter the body through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth and anus, as well as the genitals. STDs also spread easily because you can't tell whether someone has an infection. In fact, some people with STDs don't even know that they have them. These people are in danger of passing an infection on to their sex partners without even realizing it.

Why is it important to know how to prevent sexual transmitted diseases STDs?

some stds may cause cancer stds areexpensive to manage some stds can cause death

Can herpes cause abdominal pain?

Yes.if you have herpes, you should be under the care of a doctor do you can prevent further infections from open sores.usually a doctor will tell you any possible symptoms you might experience and if not there is always the internet or you asking the doctor about it.can or does genital herpes cause abdominal pain

Can you get herpes from someone on drugs?

You can get herpes from someone who has the infection. It can affect drug users and abstainers.

Which sti does the herpes simplex virus cause?

Herpes typically affects the mouth (causing cold sores or fever blisters) or the genitals (causing the eruptive disease herpes). Symptoms usually include: Itching, burning and or tingling around the infected area. Swelling Fever and or flu like symptoms. With genital herpes, burning pain when you urinate. Raised blisters or open paper cut like sores.