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Q: What Texas industry did Howard Hughes contribute to?
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Where howard hughes live?

Houston Texas for most of his life

Where is howard hughes buried?

glenwood cemetery, Houston,texas

Where did howard hughes die?

Howard Hughes was a reclusive American business magnate who was one of the wealthiest people in the world. He died on April 5, 1976 in Houston, Texas, U.S.

Is howard robard hughes IIV a son of howard hughes?

Hollywood will tell you howard hughes screwed everyone BUT he never had a child thats BS and howard had to fight his kinnys for his parents leftover at the start with unkle ruperts help he got the royuity right to the tricone as the kinnys got about everything else

When was Hughes Rudd born?

Hughes Rudd was born on September 12, 1921, in Waco, Texas, USA.

What is drawbacks for Texas industry?

Depends on what the industry does

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He brought the first colony to Texas.

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When was Howard Hughes - murderer - born?

It was a whole town of murderers in on the commy mexico coma kill ever since scarface and hells angels the hollywood power club hated howard.Even back in texas CBS shadowed howard JR since first airwave broadcasting rights battle.Howard JR always made his mega trillions via patent right royuitys all his life.He got the rights to the tricone oil bit while his kin kins fought over his parents estate.Howard JR was only 16 but his unkle was a attorney who secured those rights other wise howard JR wouldnt have had anything so even from the start of howard JR they fought and ripped off howard.Howard.The killing of the hughes started with howard SR and howard JRs mother and the mobsters whom killed howard JR were born before WW-II and they fought in the war and gained howards trust

What is an industry in Texas?
