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oral cavity and stomach

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Q: What Two regions of the digestive tract where mechanical food breakdown occur?
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Related questions

Does mechanical breakdown increase speed of chemical breakdown?

Yes, mechanical breakdown increases the surface area available for chemical reactions to occur on and therefore the speed of the chemical processes.

Is the small intestines chemical or mechanical?

The small intestine completes the process of chemical digestion.

Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

What two digestive system occurs in the mouth?

Mechanical and chemical digestion both occur in the mouth (physically chewing and when saliva breaks down food into smaller bits).

Where does the breakdown of pyruvate occur?


The breakdown of pyruvic acid occur?

in mitochondrion

What are the functions of the teeth?

The function of the teeth is the mechanical breakdown of food. i.e. to chew and bite your food breaking it into smaller pieces to allow for it to mix with saliva. The smaller pieces also allow for the chemical breakdown of food by various enzymes to occur faster.

Where do the breakdown of drugs and the storage of urine occur?

Breakdown of Drugs- LiverStorage of Urine- Urinary Bladder

Does digestion occur in cell lining of digestive tract?

Yes. The final step of digestion occur in cell lining of the digestive tract.

Where does the chemical breakdown of food occur?

Your tummy dummy!

Is absorption mechanical or chemical?

does absorption occur when mechanical or chemical digestion

Does bile occur in mechanical digestion?
