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Q: What US company got a 1.5 billion dollar bailout from the US government in 1980?
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What is Hank Paulson's connection to the US government's 700 billion dollar bailout?

Henry (Hank) Paulson is the Treasury Secretary of the United States. He was formerly the CEO of Goldman Sachs. The massive $700 billion dollar bailout is his plan to help save the failing banks and lending institutions in the United States.

Should the US government cut spending after the 700 billion dollar bail-out goes through?

If the bailout package is able to successfully revive the US economy then the US government should cut spending on the bailout. But some financial experts feel this 700 billion may not be sufficient. If what they predict becomes true then the government would have to pump in more cash into the bailout package. This bailout cannot be left in midway because the future of the world and US economy lies predominantly on this bailout and people are hoping that this works out successful.

Why did the Senate approve the 700-billion-dollar bailout in the end?

Because our free market has failed, our republic has failed, and the will of the people is ignored by a corrupt government.

What will the 700 billion dollar bailout solve?

It will solve the economic crisis that has affected the US and the whole world

How will the US government's 700 billion dollar bailout affect the GDP and the unemployment rate?

It is unclear the affect the bailout will have on GDP and unemployment. GDP growth has the biggest impact on employment so how the economy responds to the bailout is the critical factor, If credit markets loosen up and credit begins to flow again it will have a very positive impact on GDP growth. In that instance the impact of the bailout will be a reduction in unemployment.

Where did the 700 billion dollar bailout come from?

For Vietnam, that wasn't a bail out; that was defense spending. And US tax payers pay for everything.

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it can be.

What does John McCain say about the US government's 700 billion dollar bailout on Wall Street?

He would do anything in his power to save America's economy. This contributor feels that Barack Obama's remarks about the $700 billion bailout were positive but incorrect.

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Well daa?