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Newborn reflexes start to disappear as soon as they are no longer needed; while all babies are born with the same survival reflexes - their responses to the stimulation is very individual to his or her inborn temperament.

Morrow reflex: Anyone watching a newborn has seen this reflex in action, a loud noise or rough handling causes baby to startle, arching his back and throwing his arms and legs straight and crying out. Then he will pull in his arms and legs against his body. Most babies are further upset by their own response. Placing your hand gently against the baby's chest and tummy will help to soothe him, as will holding him against your body. A sensitive baby who startles frequently maybe more secure when swaddled. This reflex disappears by three months.

The Rooting reflex: when baby's cheek or lips are touched he will turn towards the source of the stimulation - mouth open and tongue out, seeking nourishment. When milk touches his mouth, he reflexively sucks and swallows. As his eyesight improves and he learns what objects (bottle, breast, cup etc) are bringing him nourishment look like, rooting disappears and is replaced with a smile, when you are responding to his needs.

Grasping reflex: Touching baby's palm will make his fingers wrap around the object and hold on tightly. This will fade between two and three months - allowing baby to grasp objects voluntarily.

Righting reflex: With baby lying on his back, allow him to grasp your thumbs in each hand while you hold on to his hands, gently pull him into the sitting position and watch as he tries to hold his head up right. With his head accounting for a third or more of his body weight his neck muscles can't yet support the weight, but he'll give it a good try.

Tonic neck reflex: When lying on his back baby's head will turn to the side, the arm on that side will straighten while the other flexes, allowing baby to find his hand. The out stretched arm prevents baby from rolling over until this reflex disappears.

Babinski reflex: This reflex is the opposite of a normal adult, gently touching the bottom of baby's foot causes his toes to curl downward, while touching the side of his foot causes his toes to spread and the big toe to extend upward. On an adult the big toe turns downward.

Stepping reflex. Hold baby in the standing position with one foot at a time touching the surface beneath him. This will cause him to take "steps" This reflex disappears but will return later, allowing him to learn to walk.

Lifting the head: Laying baby on his tummy on a firm, flat surface will reflexively cause his head to lift up, many babies will even move their limbs in a swimming or crawling motion.

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