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The relationship with the child's father should be encouraged. If there are school activities for the child, the father should participate. Unless, the child is in serious endangerment when she is with the father.

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Q: What age for a child in Illinois to stop going by her dads house?
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How old child has to make choice on going to dads house?

See Link Below'Child Refusing To Visit Other Parent?'

Which house must right all tax bills?

Alex Gomez's House. He lives in Burr Ridge, Illinois. His dads name is Javier Gomez

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Yes, the child must go until the court says otherwise.

You married a man that has a child and do you paid child support too?

No, but under limited conditions, 20% of your income can be use in the calculations. see Dads House for info.

Does a father have to pay child support when he is collecting disability?

He needs to file for a modification. See Dads House link below

What do you do when your ex put your last name on a baby she had with someone else while you were going through your divorce?

In some states that's required sue to get it removed if you are not obligated to pay child support. see dads house link

What rights does an international father have to his Canadian child who lives in Canada?

That is dependent of court orders from the jurisdiction where the child lives. see Dads House below to learn more.

My mum is saying that she's going to send me to my dads house and i dont want to go im 15 and have been told that they cannot make me go and permanently live at my dads is that true?

no see links

Do you still have to pay child support when child is in homeschool college?

I assume you're talking about online courses, and yes, if your state law or court order, requires child support through college. Dads House

My child's mom has joint custody of our daughter.if she remarries and then passes away who has the custody of the child?

Unless specified in the court order, the husband or maternal grandparents. See Dads House Below

Can you use your step-dads GI bill for school if he never used it?

can a step child use a step parent gi bill who do not live in the house