

What age one should walk?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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definetly before a year.

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Q: What age one should walk?
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What age should a child be able to walk to school on her own?

They should definitely be able to start walking by themselves by the age of one and a half or two-with falling only maybe once or twice. And by the age of three, they really should be able to walk and run fine.

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one hour

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I don't think you should walk rabbits. You can let it run around in your house for exercise, but don't walk it like a dog.

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Kids at age 14 should drive so they don't have to walk home and get bullied.

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walk and eat and realise who its mother is

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Maybe if they walk to school. but not really

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They should "find their legs" pretty well by the age of 3-4 weeks.

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they walk when they hatch from its egg.

What age do toddlers learn to walk?

There is no exact age for a child to start walking. The average range would be from 10 months until 18 months. However, that doesn't mean you should worry. Your child will start to walk when he is ready.

How much should i walk/run in one day?

how much you want to

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the Aardwolf normally starts to walk at the age of 4 weeks old!!! amazing

What is the average age to shower by yourself?

Once your child can walk and is not afraid of water they should be fine taking a shower bythemselves.