

What aircraft were used on the aircraft carrier Essex?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What aircraft were used on the aircraft carrier Essex?
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What was largest aircraft carrier during world war 2?

The Essex class of the US Navy were the largest carriers in WW2.

How many people on an aircraft carrier?

The current generation USS Nimitz supercarriers (the largest ever built) require a crew of about 3200 sailors, and an aircrew of about 2500. The next-generation Ford-class supercarriers reduce this number through automation by almost 20%, to roughly 4700 crew total. For comparison, the prototypical WW2 aircraft carrier, the USS Essex class, had a total crew of 2600.

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No, not to my knowledge. Doolittle flew from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet with the USS Enterprise carrying fighters for defense. After Japan was bombed, Roosevelt said that the American bombers flew from Shangri-La (the mythical perfect land in the Himalayas) and afterward an Essex-class aircraft carrier was named USS Shangri-La.

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Gun wise, was an Iowa class battleship. Most powerful (regardless of guns) was an aircraft carrier, most likely an Essex or Midway class during the war. The USS Enterprise was the most decorated USN warship of WWII, but was a Yorktown class carrier. *It was the "Constitution"*

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CVW stands for Carrier Air Wing. It is the designation used for the aircraft assigned to an aircraft carrier for a deployment. It is composed of aircraft from a number of different types of squadrons. The CVW has a commanding officer that works in conjunction with the Carrier CO to conduct the mission of the carrier.

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Only there's no one on the aircraft carrier.

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The USS Eisenhower carrier is the most strongest aircraft carrier in the World.

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