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The cows had calves (i.e. babies) before people found out how to milk them. The baby calves suckled the milk from their mothers' udders.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

not sure, but i think cows

Actually, because all mammals produce milk, Gorrilla's or Monkey's milk would more than likely be the closest to Human's milk.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Most likely a goat or a cow

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Hard to say, but most likely goats..

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How are the cows milked the first morning in Animal Farm?

Well, in the book it says that the pigs milked them quite succesfully ..

How are the cows milked the first time in animal farm?

A knife, or a bottle opener.

When was the first cow milked on a plane?

Never. No cows were milked in a plane, not ever.

When was a cow first milked?

Right after it had its first calf

How do you say the cow?

what do you mean c-o-w not that hard an animal that has large utters and can be milked.

Is it easy to milk a goat?

It depends on the personality of a goat, if they allow you to freely touch their udders it is very easy. After the goat is used to being hand milked it will become a routine for the animal and much easier for you. Most goats are milked on a stand, they are usually tied or eat grain while it is milked. Some farmers will hold the right leg of the animal while they milk it if the animal kicks. The teats are smaller than cattle teats are, however, they milk fairly easily if the animal is cooperative.

Do mammals like being milked?

It depends what kind of animal. A cow doesn't mind too much.

Can an aardvark be milked?

Yes; any mammal can be milked.

How old are cows when they first are milked?

Around 2 years or 24 months of age after they have had their first calf.

What is the past tense of milk?

Milked. As in, "Sam milked the cow this morning."

How mean time does a cow get milked?

how mean time dose a caw get milked

Do spiders have to be milked?

it is a weird question but certain spiders have to be milked and they do not like it at all.