

What animal eats a foxes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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hawks and vultures mainly really it depends on where u live
foxes are eaten by bears, coyotes, mountain lion, big dogs, and dingoes : )

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Q: What animal eats a foxes?
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foxes,hawks, snakes, Google it!

What eats a hawk in the animal food chain?

Foxes Or Even Badgers.

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foxes eat rabbits and cows

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Since foxes often prey on raccoons, it is doubtful there is any animal that eats foxes that could be eaten by a raccoon.

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coyotes, owls, foxes, and any animal that eats mammals

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bears ,wolves,foxes, and most of all humans

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Humans, Wolves, Lions, Foxes will attack pigglets. Anything that eats meat will try and eat a pig.

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owls,dingoes,feral cats and red foxes

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Lots of animals eat birds. Foxes, wolves, sharks, etc.

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Owls, hawks, snakes, bobcats, foxes, skunks and coyotes are a few.

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Snakes, foxes, small hawks, coatis, and many small predators.