

What animal is a omnivore list some?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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A human, pigs, rats, mice, ostrich, some bears, most monkeys (some are herbivorous), most apes (some are herbivorous) and lots more

but there are deference's between omnivore's, some are not capable of eating stuff like grass, fern's and leaf's because these provide Little energy and an creature needs a big digestive system like pig's, Bear's and ostriches have.

rat's, mice , humans, most ape's, most monkey's and a great a lot of other animals are not capable of digesting this so they eat stuff like fruit and nuts.

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An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and meat. A carnivore is an animal that just eats meat. A herbivore is an animal that eats just plants.

What animal eats both plants and animals?

the best answer is omnivore.


The word is Omnivore- meaning an animal that eats plants and animals. Since grass is not an animal, it cannot be an omnivore.

Which is the animal that eats both plants and animals?

An animal that eats both animal and plant matter is known as an omnivore. Some animals which are omnivorous include chipmunks, badgers, chicken, pigs, rhinoceros and so many more.