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No animals have more than one stomach, as all animals have only one stomach. But if you are referring to animals that have more than one compartment in their stomach, then here's a list of the following:

Cattle (all breeds and species)

Bison (woodland and American plains)

Sheep (domestic and wild including Dall's, Bighorn, etc.)

Goats (domestic and wild including Mountain goats)



Deer (all deer species)

Antelope (all species of antelope, including Pronghorn)



Water buffalo, Cape buffalo (and other buffalo species)


Camels (all species)

Llamas and Alpacas (all species)

Other species I missed

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Q: What animals have more than one stomach?
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Do mammals have more than one stomach?


Does a cow have more than stomach?

No. Cows only have one stomach, but that stomach is divided into four chambers or compartments.

Animals with multiple stomachs are called?

Animals with more than one stomach, such as pigs and cows, are referred to as "polygastric", poly- meaning many and -gastric referring to the stomach.The scientific term is called poly-gastric ("many-stomach), for example cows are ruminants, they have four stomachs (or one stomach with four chambers).

Do hoofed mammals have rumen?

Yes, cows have more than one stomach. that is what rumen is more than one stomcah.

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Why do sheep have cud?

They are an animal that ruminates. It has more than one stomach.

Which animal has two stomach?

No animal has many stomachs. All animals on earth only have ONE stomach. However, a select few animals have a stomach with multiple CHAMBERS designed to efficiently digest grass. Such animals are called ruminants.

Why are there more animals on the Earth than humans?

Animals reproduce much faster than humans and have more children at one time.

How many things have more than one stomach?

1 and that's a cow

What are difference of simple stomach animals from compound stomach animals?

Simple stomached animals, such as dogs, pigs and horses (and humans) only have one chamber in their stomach. It is generally at a low pH such as pH 2-3. Animals with a compound stomach have a much more complex arrangement. They have four compartments to their stomach. These compartments are called the reticulum, the rumen, the omasum and the abomasum. The abomasum is similar to the simple stomach. THis arrangement is so the animal can ferment the food they eat. Animals with this arrangement are known as ruminants and include sheep, goats and cows.

Can one stomach bug affect people differently?

Yes, you can get viral gastroenteritis (in common terms, a "stomach bug" or "stomach flu") more than once.

What could be more malicious then a stomach ulcer?

Many things would be considered to be more malicious than stomach ulcers, one of which would be gastric cancer.