

What are 2 problems often associated with teen pregnancy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The girls drop out of school and there's a higher risk for complications.

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Q: What are 2 problems often associated with teen pregnancy?
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What are some common outcomes of teen pregnancy?

common outcomes are the teen or child has medical problems because the teen isn't physically mature to have a baby or mature enough to take care of her body during pregnancy like she should, she is not mature enough or does she have the patience to care for a infant so it often fall's on family member's to care for the child.

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it could be. depends. if you're a teen it could be part of teen hood. i get gouchy for no reason. try to take a pregnancy test

What is a thesis statement for teen pregnancy?

You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

Who is in favor with teen pregnancy?

i am a preg teen so im all for it.anyone who has something against it has problems!a baby is a blessing and everything happens for a reason.

Are you an adult by being pregnant?

No, pregnancy does not qualify you as an adult. Teen pregnancy happens often. To legally be considered an adult you must be 18.

Is teen pregnancy a national issue?

Yes, teen pregnancy is a national issue in many countries as it can have negative effects on the health, education, and future opportunities of young parents. Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy rates often involve comprehensive sex education, access to contraception, and support services for young parents.

How can your baby be affected by teenage pregnancy?

Please see related links. There are many factors of teen pregnancy that can affect the fetus, and factors of teen parenting that can affect the child. Some of these are strictly medical whereas others have more to do with the stress caused by things a teen parent has to deal with. Stress is the most major contributor to health problems in both the mother and child in regards to teen pregnancy and parenting.

What are the roles teen parents face?

Teen Pregnancy

How teen pregnancy can be improved?

Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

What is the teen pregnancy rate?

The teen pregnancy rate for the U.S.A is 22 pregnancies out of every 1,000 girls.

Is there a cheat for sims life stories for teen pregnancy?

In sims life stories there is no cheat for teen pregnancy.

How is teen pregnancy bad for you?

Research and statistics have shown that teen mothers often quit school, live in poverty, and raise their children as a single parent. This is not good for the parent or child.