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Q: What are 3 medications that has to be check by 3 nurses before administrations?
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People who are mentally ill belong in a mental hospital where doctors and nurses can give them the right medications and keep them in check.

Do pharmacies sellout of date medications?

They shouldn't. But some may. Check before you pay for it.

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The doctor just gives you a check up asks about medications you are taking, disease in your family, etc.

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Check with your vet before giving your cat any medications, especially if it is nursing. Medications can pass through the cats milk and harm the kittens.

Is tramadol as good as morphine?

Yes, but always check with your doctor before taking any medications.

Can you take Prozac and Tramdol together?

You should check with your physician or pharmacist before taking these medications together. Taken together, these medications can result in the rare but severe condition called serotonin syndrome.

Can a doctor's office be open without a doctor there?

Yes and no. Yes because the nurses are there to check you out and no because nurses aren't doctors.

Can medications cause miscarriages?

Some can which is why you always have to double check with your doctor before you take anything. Some will damage the fetus but not make you miscarry.

Why do nurses check blood pressure?

To evaluate the patient's health.

Can ZyVestra and warfin be taken together?

When trying any new medications it is best to check with your doctor before using them, especially when mixing two together.

What can you take for migraines while breastfeeding?

There are lots of medications safe while breastfeeding. Call your local lactation consultant and have her check the meds before taking them

Can you give dogs a human form of pain killer such as Panadol or Tylanol?

One needs to check with a vet before giving any human medications to a cat or dog. Some adult & child medications may cause harm to the animals.