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Well most animals typically have some type of undersack. Theres one for ya

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Q: What are 3 of the features that make animals diffrent from other organisms?
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because it has diffrent features than other animals.

How do exteranal features help organisms to survive?

external body features help organisms survive by providing protection from other animals, and for a sort of armor material, as well as a possible mating insignia

What other features makes good habitats for so many organisms?

it is not so much dangerous as other resources for animals that are rare or endangered.

How does earth geological features affect the ability of organisms to live in different places?

Earth geological features affect the ability of organisms to live in different places because the temperatures change. Since animals and other organisms have different requirements to live, they have to live in different places.

Is a animal cell a saprotroph or heterotroph or autotroph?

Animals are heterotrophic organisms. They obtain carbon from other animals.

What features make animals different from other organisms?

"arms, legs, tails, eyes, ears, noses, mouths, heads, skins make all animal species different or alike."That was the random Incorrect answer. okThe correct answer in science term is,"Animals have certain features that together make them different from other organisms. First, animals are multicellular. They are made of more an one cell. Second, animals cannot make their own food. In order to get energy, animals must eat other organisms. Third, animals can move on their own during part or all of their lives.

Are organisms that obtain energy from other organisms?


Are organisms that eat other animals?

Animals that eat other organisms are called carnivores, or sometimes secondary consumers.

How important are other animals to other living organisms?

some animals parasite on other animals.

What are vegetarian organisms?

Animals that don't eat other animals.

Organisms that must obtain nutrients and energy by eating other organisms are?

All animals are heterotrophs, getting their organic molecules (food, growth) from another organism. Those that consume other organisms are predators. The larger predatory animals that consume smaller animals are carnivores (meat eaters).

Do you have a regular and poizionus animal?

the answer is yes beacause some animals are diffrent from each other.