

Best Answer

1.there is no sunlight have to survive the pressure

3.its cold

4.2,000 meters down

5.deepest part of th ocean

6.its a self-containing world with complex food

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Q: What are 6 fantastic facts about the deep ocean vent ecosystem?
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A cat.

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it is very deep

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What ecosystem is the John Dory in?

The John Dory's ecosystem is in deep salt coastal waters and eats squid every once in a while, smaller fish, and more ocean animals.

How deep is a freshwater ecosystem?

a freshwater ecosystem is a normal ecosystem or in this case it would just be deep. I hope you like my answer. ;) ":j

Why is the Titanic known as an abiotic factor in the deep sea water ecosystem?

The Titanic wreck is considered an abiotic factor as it lacks life, but because it rests in the bottom of the ocean, it's part of the ecosystem.

What is the definition of an ocean ecosystem?

The opean ocean is the area beyond the neretic zone. It makes up most of the ocean. It is filled with many different species. It consists of the surface zone, transition zone, and the deep zone. When you go to the deep zone, it is very cold and dark. For more information, look on Wikipedia.

How might fish that lived in a very deep ocean ecosystem be different from fish that live close to the ocean's surface?

the fish that live close to the surface are not unusual and the fish that live in the deep ocean are unusual. the unusual and surface fish both eat different thing's don't live the same way

How does the shallow ocean ecosystem differ from the deep ocean ecosysrem?

the deep sea ecosystem has different animals such as the viperfish, the hatchetfish, the amazing manta ray, the beautiful whale shark, great white sharks, giant squid, megamouth sharks, wolf fish, deep-sea gulper eel, while the shallow water ecosystems of th ocean is filled with amazing coral reefs with animals such as spotted eagle rays, frogfish, eels, porcupine fish, barracuda, squid and octopus

Why is the ocean deep?

the ocean is deep because that is the shape of the earth and although we are not sure how deep the ocean is we do know that there is life in the deep. the ocean has made itself deep but there is really no cause that is known.

How do you differentiate the deep sea ecosystem with other ecosystem in the planet?

hanapin mo