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Stoning their mother to death.

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Q: What are Bill Jr and Nancy doing at the end of the tory The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?
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Where did Shirley Jackson write Charles?

Shirley Jackson wrote "Charles" in her home in North Bennington, Vermont. She was known for doing most of her writing at home, where she found solace and inspiration in her surroundings.

What is the main conflict in the lottery?

The main conflict in Shirley Jackson's most famous short story, "The Lottery", is Man vs. Society. She is criticizing tradition and how people are stuck in their ways even if it isn't right. (Questions of morals usually equal man vs. society) also the little village was discussing how other towns have stopped doing the lottery. Though it may seem like it is Society vs Society, that is not a type of conflict. You have to think of village as a whole or as one thing. then you will see that society is against them because society is questioning their morals.

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Shirley Temple is important because she is cute and she is a very good actress and I am doing my biography report on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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