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Lamarck's idea of how evolution works was through inheritance of acquired characteristics which stated that offspring get the modifications acquired by parents. Further, he believed in "use and disuse", which stated that using a part of the body will make it bigger and stronger, while disuse will make it smaller (such as appendix). Of course, these ideas were strongly rejected in favor of natural selection.

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15y ago

Lamark thought that acquired characteristics are inherited via genes. That theory was very popular before Darwin, then faded after Darwin's Origin of Species, but now is coming back through various modern biologists. Modern biologists actually think that Lamark was not wrong after all.

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11y ago

He has 2. One is that our environment makes it possible for animals to change; e.g., the absence of teeth in birds.

The second one is that life is structured in a formal matter, and that every part of our bodies makes possible the organic movements of animals.

To put it in simpler terms...

Think of it as an inheritance. Offspring require no necessities (stuff they don't need to survive) from their mothers and fathers.

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13y ago

Lamark thought organisms passed on characteristics they had gained during their lifetime.

It should be noted that Lamark didn't have a "theory of natural selection"; but he did have his own version of evolution. It was Charles Darwin that popularized the idea of natural selection.

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14y ago

Lamarck had two hypotheses (both incorrect)

  • Use and disuse - if a feature of an organism is used more than the others, evolution will favor its advancement. If something was not used, evolution would remove the trait from the population.
  • Inheritance of acquired characteristics - a characteristic that is acquired during one's lifetime would be passed down to its offspring.
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13y ago

Jean- Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck (1744-1829) had 3 theories. first was Theory of Need, second, Theory of use and disuse and the third, Theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics

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11y ago

An example of what Lamarck though would be that if a man built muscle mass and strength by exercise or work that this acquired characteristic would be heritable, passed on to progeny. This is totally wrong in the sense Lamarck meant it, though epigenetic phenomenon do seem to be somewhat acquired and passed on for limited generations.

Google genetic imprinting.

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14y ago

Inheritance of acquired characteristics. The more you use it, the more developed it becomes and the development is passed down. Note that this has been pretty much shown to be entirely false.

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11y ago

There is no Lamarck's theory of evolution by natural selection. Lamarck postulated that traits are acquired and inherited by use and disuse.

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The generally accepted theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin

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