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Consult your doctor or physician, it could be a plethora of ailments. It could be a rash, however if so your doctor may be able to prescribe you with some method of treatment. Raised spots lead me to believe they could be a form of bite, try using a warm tea bag on them and see if they go down at all. If not;and if they are worrying you quite a troublesome amount, please make an appointment with your doctor. Depending on the area of your leg in which this is occurring it could very well be something transmitted sexually, however I would assume you would know if it were or at least have a faint idea otherwise you probably would not have asked haha, eitehr way, please consult a doctor for your benefit.

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Oh my god i have the same thing and i really need someone to answer this question!

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Q: What are Non raised itchy red spots on lower arm?
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