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I think it's the valence shell

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Valence electrons

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Q: What are the electrons in the outermost electron shell or orbital called?
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An electron in the outermost energy level of an atom is a?

The outermost electrons are called VALENCE electrons.

The outermost electrons in an atoms electron cloud are called?

an ion

What are the electron on the outermost energy level?

These are called valence electrons.

What are the electrons in the outermost orbital used in chemical bonding called?

Valence electrons, the outer most shell.

What are the electron farthest from the nucleus called?

Electrons farthest from nucleus are valence electrons. They are present in outermost orbit.

What is the Outermost energy shell called?

Electrons in the outermost shell are called valence electrons.

What is the space occupied by the electrons called?

they are called electron shells or sometime orbits. there are 32 electron shells. this is also called the electric cloud in the modern atomic model.

The electrons that occupy the outermost filled shell are called?

Outer energy level electrons, or valence electron.

What type of material conducts electricity?

materials that usually have an extra or unpaired electron in their outermost orbital of its atom conduct electricity

How many outer orbital electrons are found in Sodium?

All of 11 electrons in sodium are in different electron orbitals: 2 electrons are in 1s orbital, 2 in 2s, 6 in 2p and 1 in the 3s orbital. (This last one is the so-called valence electron)

The tendency of atoms in stable molecules to have eight electrons in their outermost shells is know as the?

The tendency of some atoms to have 8 electrons in their outermost shell (two e- in the S orbital and six e- in the P orbital) is called the "octet rule."

What are the region around the nucleus where the electrons are located called?

electron cloud