

Best Answer

Accessory Shopping

Clothes Shopper 25! - purchase 25 items

Clothes Shopper 50! - purchase 50 items

Clothes Shopper 100! - purchase 100 items

Clothes Shopper 250! - purchase 250 items

Best Dressed

Seamstress! - play Best Dressed 5 times

Stylist! - play Best Dressed 10 times

Designer! - play Best Dressed 25 times

Model! - play Best Dressed 50 times

High Fashion! - win 20 rounds of Best Dressed

Tres Chic! - win 3 rounds of Best Dressed in a row

Best Dressed (Oceans)

Sharp! - play Best Dressed (Oceans) 5 times

Classy! - play Best Dressed (Oceans) 10 times

Posh! - play Best Dressed (Oceans) 25 times

Elegant! - play Best Dressed (Oceans) 50 times

Dashing! - win 20 rounds of Best Dressed (Oceans)

In Vogue! - win 3 rounds of Best Dressed (Oceans) in a row

Brady Barr's Chemistry Set

Chemist! - create Dr. Barr's secret formula (click red 3 times, click blue 3 times, click green 3 times, click the flame 3 times. It doesn't matter which bottle)


Buddy Added! - add your first buddy

Buddy Games

Friendly Gamer! - play 25 buddy games

Friendlier Gamer! - play 50 buddy games

Friendliest Gamer! - play 100 buddy games

Winner! - win 10 buddy games

Victor! - win 25 buddy games

Champion! - win 50 buddy games


Color Me Rad! - change colors for the first time

Den Shopping

25th Den Item! - purchase 25 den items

50th Den Item! - purchase 50 den items

100th Den Item! - purchase 100 den items

250th Den Item! - purchase 250 den items

Disc Toss

Lucky Dog! - catch 25 discs in one game of Disc Toss

Hot Dog! - catch 50 discs in one game of Disc Toss

Top Dog! - catch 100 discs in one game of Disc Toss

Catch Me If You Can! - catch 5000 discs total in Disc Toss

Pirate Puppy! - play Disc Toss with a puppy wearing an eyepatch

Double Up

Matchmaker! - play Double Up 10 times

Matchminor! - play Double Up 25 times

Matchmajor! - play Double Up 40 times

Matchmaster! - play Double Up 60 times

Fast Match! - complete a game of Double Up in under 15 seconds

Perfectionist! - complete a game of Double Up without a mismatch

Ducky Dash

Duck And Cover! - collect 50 ducks in one game of Ducky Dash

Sitting Duck! - collect 100 ducks in one game of Ducky Dash

Ducks In A Row! - collect 150 ducks in one game of Ducky Dash

Quack Quack! - collect 5000 ducks total in Ducky Dash

Dapper Ducky - play Ducky Dash with a duck wearing a top hat

Eat 'Em Up

Nibble! - play Eat 'Em Up 5 times

Bite! - play Eat 'Em Up 10 times

Chomp! - play Eat 'Em Up 25 times

Gulp! - play Eat 'Em Up 50 times

Om Nom Nom! - eat 500 fish in Eat 'Em Up

Big Tuna! - eat 5000 fish in Eat 'Em Up

Fruit Slinger

Fruit Salad! - play Fruit Slinger 10 times

Fruit Cake! - play Fruit Slinger 20 times

Fruit Juice! - play Fruit Slinger 35 times

Fruit Basket! - play Fruit Slinger 50 times

Ripe! - win 25 multiplayer games of Fruit Slinger

Peachy Keen! - complete level 1-10 in Fruit Slinger

Top Banana! - complete level 5-10 in Fruit Slinger

Fruit Of The Doom! - defeat 300 phantoms in Fruit Slinger

Kaboom! - defeat every phantom in a fort with one shot in Fruit Slinger

Gem Ball

Play Ball! - play Gem Ball 10 times

On The Ball! - play Gem Ball 20 times

Having A Ball! - play Gem Ball 35 times

Great Balls Of Fire! - play Gem Ball 50 times

Jackpot! - earn the jackpot in Gem Ball

Double Jackpot! - earn 2 jackpots in one game of Gem Ball

Gem Breaker

Breaker! - play Gem Breaker 10 times

Buster! - play Gem Breaker 20 times

Crasher! - play Gem Breaker 35 times

Smasher! - play Gem Breaker 50 times

Gem Guru! - win 10 multiplayer games of Gem Breaker

Gem Ace! - complete level 20 of Gem Breaker


1,000 Gems! - earn 1,000 gems

10,000 Gems! - earn 10,000 gems

25,000 Gems! - earn 25,000 gems

50,000 Gems! - earn 50,000 gems

100,000 Gems! - earn 100,000 gems

5,000 Gems Spent! - spend 5,000 gems

10,000 Gems Spent! - spend 10,000 gems

35,000 Gems Spent! - spend 35,000 gems

65,000 Gems Spent! - spend 65,000 gems

100,000 Gems Spent! - spend 100,000 gems

Hot Cocoa

Yummy Cocoa! - create 25 cups of hot cocoa


Pen Pal! - send a Jam-A-Gram

1 Gift Sent! - send 1 gift

10 Gifts Sent! - send 10 gifts

25 Gifts Sent! - send 25 gifts

50 Gifts Sent! - send 50 gifts

100 Gifts Sent! - send 100 gifts

Jamaa Derby

Trot! - play Jamaa Derby 10 times

Canter! - play Jamaa Derby 25 times

Gallop! - play Jamaa Derby 50 times

Foal! - win 10 races in Jamaa Derby

Mare! - win 25 races in Jamaa Derby

Stallion! - win 50 races in Jamaa Derby

Jamaa Cup! - win 5 Jamaa Derby races in a row in Pro mode

Thoroughbred! - win 15 Jamaa Derby races in Pro mode

Perfect Race! - complete a Jamaa Derby race in Pro mode without hitting an obstacle

Long Shot

Far! - play Long Shot 10 times

Farther! - play Long Shot 20 times

Farthest! - play Long Shot 35 times

Fartherest! - play Long Shot 50 times

10,000 Plus! - reach a distance of at least 10,000 in Long Shot

20,000 Plus! - reach a distance of at least 20,000 in Long Shot


Welcome To The Club! - become a member of the Animal Jam Club

Mira Says

Mime! - play Mira Says 5 times

Imitator! - play Mira Says 10 times

Mimicker! - play Mira Says 25 times

Copycat! - play Mira Says 50 times

Mira Says! - complete the full sequence in Mira Says


Flowbie! - play Overflow 5 times

Flowbot! - play Overflow 15 times

Flowmaster! - play Overflow 30 times

Open The Floodgates! - play Overflow 50 times

Overflow Boss! - complete level 50 of Overflow

Overflow Master! - complete level 100 of Overflow

300! - earn 300 gems in one game of Overflow

Pest Control

Squash! - play Pest Control 10 times

Smash! - play Pest Control 20 times

Squish! - play Pest Control 35 times

Splat! - play Pest Control 50 times

400 Legs! - defeat 500 tarantulas in Pest Control

10,000 Pests! - defeat 10,000 pests in Pest Control


First Pet! - acquire your first pet

One Of A Kind! - acquire a pet with a rare feature

Four Pets! - fill 4 pet inventory slots

Phantom Fighter

Fighter! - play Phantom Fighter 5 times

Hunter! - play Phantom Fighter 10 times

Exterminator! - play Phantom Fighter 25 times

Eradicator! - play Phantom Fighter 50 times

Phantom Warrior! - reach level 11 in Phantom Fighter

Superpower! - use every power-up in one game of Phantom Fighter

Untouchable! - complete 3 levels of Phantom Fighter without getting hit

Phantom's Treasure

Seek! - play Phantom's Treasure 5 times

Scan! - play Phantom's Treasure 10 times

Search! - play Phantom's Treasure 25 times

Discover! - play Phantom's Treasure 50 times

Quick Find! - complete a level of Phantom's Treasure in under 1 minute

Pinpoint! - find 500 items in Phantom's Treasure

Pill Bugs

Bounce! - play Pill Bugs 5 times

Recoil! - play Pill Bugs 10 times

Rebound! - play Pill Bugs 25 times

Ricochet! - play Pill Bugs 50 times

Roly Poly! - complete every level of Pill Bugs

Bug Bomb! - clear every bug in a level of Pill Bugs

Go For The Gold! - earn every gold ladybug in Pill Bugs


Answer The Call! - answer 15 Calls Of The Wild

River Race

Petty Officer! - play River Race 5 times

Lieutenant! - play River Race 10 times

Captain! - play River Race 25 times

Admiral! - play River Race 50 times

Speed Boat! - win River Race 5 times

Sky High

Bouncer! - play Sky High 5 times

Hopper! - play Sky High 15 times

Jumper! - play Sky High 30 times

Vaulter! - play Sky High 50 times

Treasure Chest! - reach the treasure chest in Sky High


Whee! - ride a total of 50 slides


Breakfast! - catch 25 mice in one game of Sssssnake

Lunch! - catch 50 mice in one game of Sssssnake

Dinner! - catch 100 mice in one game of Sssssnake

Dessert! - catch 1000 mice total in Sssssnake

Yum Yum! - catch 5 golden mice in one game of Sssssnake

Spider Zapper

Pea Shooter! - play Spider Zapper 5 times

Crack Shot! - play Spider Zapper 10 times

Sharpshooter! - play Spider Zapper 25 times

Deadeye! - play Spider Zapper 50 times

Spider King! - complete wave 40 in Spider Zapper

Team Zapper! - beat level 50 in a multiplayer game of Spider Zapper

Super Sort

Reduce! - play Super Sort 5 times

Reuse! - play Super Sort 10 times

Recycle! - play Super Sort 25 times

Sir Sortsalot! - play Super Sort 50 times

Super Sorter! - correctly sort 200 items in a row in Super Sort

Go Green! - complete level 20 of Super Sort

Temple Of Trivia

Whiz Kid! - play Temple Of Trivia 5 times

Prodigy! - play Temple Of Trivia 10 times

Head Of The Class! - play Temple Of Trivia 25 times

A+! - play Temple Of Trivia 50 times

Trivia Star! - earn the star in Temple Of Trivia

Touch Pool

Critter Finder! - find 1 of each creature in the Touch Pool

Creature Seeker! - find every variety of creature in the Touch Pool

Catch Some Rays! - find 10 rays in a row in the Touch Pool

Magic Touch! - find 100 total creatures in the Touch Pool

Golden Touch! - find 250 total creatures in the Touch Pool


Breeze! - play Twister 5 times

Wind! - play Twister 10 times

Gale! - play Twister 25 times

Storm! - play Twister 50 times

Twister Top Dog! - get a score of at least 30,000 in Twister

Ring King! - fly through 18 rings in one round of Twister

Wind Rider

Stratus! - play Wind Rider 10 times

Nimbus! - play Wind Rider 20 times

Cumulus! - play Wind Rider 35 times

Cirrus! - play Wind Rider 50 times

Cloud Commander! - earn the treasure in Wind Rider

Team Rider! - complete 10 multiplayer games of Wind Rider

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10y ago
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12y ago

Well, to get achievements, you just ahve to try things. There are many achievements that you can get, you ust simply have to explore


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Q: What are all the animal jam achievement's?
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How many achievements are there in animal jam?


How do you get achievements on Animal Jam?

There are many ways to earn achievements on Animal Jam.. . .You can earn achievements by buying clothing or furniture, adding buddies, sending gifts, playing games, answering polls, and so much more!

What are all of the new animal jam' codes for animal jam?

diamond shine

What is loveheart9927 password on animal jam?

animal jam has an email. they answer all the questions.

How do you get all the touch pool achievements on animal jam?

all you have to do is touch the animals and fill up the bar. dont make any ripples for the hermit crabs or else they will did under the ground.

Why is animal jam bad for your eyes?

All components of the computer screen does damage to your eyes, not just Animal Jam.

Is animal jam fun to play?

Animal Jam is a super fun game to play for all ages of children!

What are the achievements in Animal Jam?

whee,color me rad,5000 gems spent,25th den items,penpal and 1000 gems

Is animal jam a game?

Animal Jam (created by National Geographic) is a virtual world game for all ages of players to play. There is also a television show called Animal Jam.

What is the next animal available for all people in animal jam?


How do you get animal jam deer?

You do not get animal jam deers

Is animal jam better than moshi monsters?

Animal JamAnimal JamAnimal Jam