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All verb can be passive. It depends on how they are used in a sentence. A passive verb is one that does not assign its action to a subject.

Not a passive sentence. John loved Alice

A passive sentence. Alice was loved.

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16h ago

Passive verbs are formed by using a form of "to be" (such as is, are, was, were) followed by a past participle. Examples include "is eaten," "was written," "are seen."

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What is compound tense?

Tenses of compound verbs include continuous, perfect, and future tense verbs. Compound verbs can also be passive, for example the verb in "a hamburger was eaten by John" is passive.

What is Compound verb?

Tenses of compound verbs include continuous, perfect, and future tense verbs. Compound verbs can also be passive, for example the verb in "a hamburger was eaten by John" is passive.

Would 'Does has is' be action verbs or linking verbs?

Active verbs show 'action', such as: I kicked the ball. I rode my bike. She called her mother. He lifted weights. Sally drove home. Linking verbs are 'passive' verbs. A passive verb does not DO any action. It links to the action, often by using a form of the word "be". Is, was, were, have, had are all passive verbs. In addition to thinking of these as linking verbs, you could think of them as lazy verbs because they point the way to action but do not do the action. I will kick the ball. I have ridden my bike. She has call her mother. He is lifting weights. Sally will drive home.

A transitive verb can be used in the passive voice?

Yes it can. Intransitive verbs do not have a passive form.

What are the voice of the verb?

passive active A+

Do passive verbs allow the subject of a sentence to do the action indicated to the verb?

This is done by active verbs.

How do you say 'What do you want' in passive voice?

What was it you wanted The primary auxiliary verbs do, does or did do not appear in the passive form.

What are two reasons to avoid passive voice?

1. Not all verbs can be used in a passive form. 2. Passive is usually used without the 'actor' of the sentence and this is not always suitable. Passive doesn't have to be avoided you just need to use passive forms at the right time.

What Two reasons to avoid using passive voice?

1. Not all verbs can be used in a passive form. 2. Passive is usually used without the 'actor' of the sentence and this is not always suitable. Passive doesn't have to be avoided you just need to use passive forms at the right time.