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Some of the arguments for are that it saves human lives, humans are superior to animals and the animals do not know that its happening.

Some of the arguments against animal testing are its cruel to animals, animals have rights as well, you should treat animals the same as humans and theres alternatives out there to animal testing.

On one side you have the for the other against. The opposing position against probably says it is nessacary for the animal testing because animals are about the same as humans. On the against position animal testing is wrong because it can cause the animal deadly pain and diseases. But I think there should be a human in the place of an animal because animals have feelings.

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Jimmy Mueller

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1y ago
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8y ago
Preface:I'm going to try and impartially present both sides of this issue, as I know them. I'll confine myself to what I know to be facts, and avoid supposition. I shall also try to bring to the table every valid argument on both sides that comes to mind. I shall withold my own subjective opinions in this matter, and will not state where my own heart lies in this argument.

Note that this is an argument that is neither cut and dried, and has both objective and subjective components to it. I promise to treat each as fairly as I can, without the blessing or curse of my own opinion rearing its own ugly or delightful head.

If I seem split on this issue -- well...

In favor of Animal Research:The leading arguments favoring animal research as as such:

Certain compounds, be they food or pharmaceuticals, may have unforeseen effects that no amount of calculation or research is going to unearth. Thalidomide, in the 1960's, is a classic example. A sedative, Thalidomide made it through trials with no apparent problems. No-one, however, thought to test how this drug would work if used by woman who were pregnant. It turns out, the way it worked was that it produced amazingly grotesque, heartbreaking birth defects. The testing wasn't flawed. No-one had a clue this would happen. But clearly it did. Long term testing on primate subjects would have been grisly, but very well might have uncovered this defect before hundreds of human babies were born with horriffic and incapacitating defects, almost all quickly fatal.

The fact is, that when it comes to prepping a drug or vaccine or procedure for use on the human population, we either need to test it on animals with metabolic and eventually genetic similarities to humans, or we'll have to let it into production without testing. Or -- in effect -- the final phase tests won't be in the lab; they'll be on your neighbors.

To put this in perspective, what if it's your sibling who, on the happy day of the birth of their child, finds a creature that will never live a day without extreme pain, not a minute without the revultion of others, not a month in school, not a minute on a bicycle, and not a decade alive -- leaving behind a family financially and emotionally devasted (and statistically likely to even be divorced). But there are a few monkeys somewhere who were left alone.

Opposed to Animal Testing:Simply because animals are not human does not imply they don't feel pain, despair, torture, and Horror, somewhat as we do. Inflicting torturous procedures on animlas in order to spare ourselves the pain seems morally reckless at best, and arrogant to the point of hubris at worst.

As we do not "own" these creatures, we have no inherent right to subject them against their will to what we ourselves call inhumane practices, any more than we have a right to torture animals for our amusement. The question may be posed: "What makes it morally acceptable for us to take another creature's freedom and life away from them, solely to maybe improve the qualitiy of our lives, but more likely suffer much as we ourselves would suffer, without discernable, beneficial results?"

And worse, up until recently, this testing wasn't solely reserved for matters of life and death, or even human health; we tested with animals in order to discover the potential dangers of cosmetics (although this practice has almost stopped, and WILL stop in your lifetime). The story this tells about humans isn't even sufficiently dignified to say, "we sacrificed them that we may live", but rather, "They died in pain so that we may look good flirting."

A Final Note on Human Test Subjects.Both sides of this argument eventually reach the point of discussing human subjects. The fact is this is an accepted albeit controverisal practice, and we do extensive human testing. The rules are:
  • The human must of course be eligible for the test, physically and emotionally.
  • The "pay" or reward for the test must be clearly stated before the test begins.
  • The subject must be apprised that, in blind and double-blind tests, they may be given the drug, or they may be given the placebo -- even if they need the drug to survive.
  • And -- they must be allowed to decide to do or not do this as a free choice, unencumbered by threat or benefit unrelated to the test.

You can't legally let prisoners get invovled in most medical testing, because it's cruel and inhuman punishment, and violates the 4th Amendment. If one personally feels this to be unreasonable, consider lobbying to amend that amendment. But, as it stands today, those are the laws.

The fact is that no-one will submit willfully to medical testing unless they have something to gain. The more dangerous the potential outcome of the test, the more they'll need to gain, to the point that the tests have almost the blackmailer's taint about them. The very rich would have no reason to consider participating in such tests, and so this would be the realm of the disenfranchised and powerless to effectively say no.

Neither side in this argument has, after consideration, put forth the idea of total cessation of animal testing in favor of testing on humans.


Any testing that is done must be done voluntarily. No being has a natural right to subject another being to any treatment, be it with or without their knowledge. The reasoning that humans are superior beings and thus are given a wider range of freedoms to test other species is nonsense, like saying that you should go to jail for murdering a smart person longer than for doing the same to a dumb person. Even the testing of medicines on human beings voluntarily would have to be looked at carefully as this is happening today to people that are seriously economically disadvantaged and could therefore be considered to be coerced.

I would like to add on to the discussion.Many people think that animal testing is easy because it doesn't harm you, but it actually does. It harms you possibly if something goes wrong and the animal you're performing testing upon dies, then that's 1 less of their species and that alone makes a minor scratch on the ecosystem. I too think animal testing should be banned. If you want something to test on, test on an object or somthing who agrees. :i don't like animal testing at all. It's cruel! I don't like disecting animals even if they are dead. This is a good website:Altweb: Alternatives to Animal Testing and S FDA/CFSAN - Animal Testing
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Q: What are arguments for and against medical testing on animals?
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What are the arguments against medical testing on animals?

If we accept that animals can suffer and that there should be justice in the world, then it is obvious that no one has no right to inflict suffering or illness or disfigurement on any innocent creature.

What are arguments for and against testing on animals?

Some of the arguments for are that it saves human lives, humans are superior to animals and the animals do not know that its happening. Some of the arguments against animal testing are its cruel to animals, animals have rights as well, you should treat animals the same as humans and theres alternatives out there to animal testing. On one side you have the for the other against. The opposing position against probably says it is nessacary for the animal testing because animals are about the same as humans. On the against position animal testing is wrong because it can cause the animal deadly pain and diseases. But I think there should be a human in the place of an animal because animals have feelings.

What are the arguments for and against Human medical testing?

One argument against is that it involves experimenting with the health and safety of human beings. An argument for is that although effects of drugs on animals may be similar to their effects on humans, some effects may be specific to human beings only. Another is that testing drugs on human beings may result in unexpected negative results for the subjects.

Medical testing on animals is right. da S hI t?

Medical testing on animals is viewed as right to some people. To others animal testing is not a good thing at all.

What are some arguments against cosmetic testing on animals?

No one has a moral right to bring suffering on any creature especially for the sake of making money. The testing causes the animals pain, the reason for which escapes the animal because of their lack of intelligence. That does NOT make them increasingly tolerant to pain.

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If dkny test animals for there perfume?

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