

What are massive blue stars?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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10y ago

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Your talking about the theoretical star and not a subdwarf or main sequence star right? I'll answer this question according to how its worded.

A Blue Dwarf Star is a hypothetical star that scientists predict is the fate of a red dwarf with only a 0.25 solar mass. When the red dwarf burns much of its hydrogen fuel supply, it increases its radiation temperature, and because the color of a red dwarf this small is not opaque, it becomes blue. Not a lot can be found on this star, but it is hypothesized that the universe is currently not old enough to have formed any blue dwarfs.

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15y ago

Blue Supergiant stars [See Link] are extremely hot and bright, with surface temperatures of 20,000-50,000 K. They typically have 10 to 50 solar masses and can have radii up to about 25 solar radii. These rare stars are amongst the hottest and brightest in the known Universe. Because of their extreme masses they have relatively short lifespans and are mainly observed in young cosmic structures such as open clusters, the arms of spiral galaxies, and in irregular galaxies. They are rarely observed in spiral galaxy cores, elliptical galaxies, or globular clusters, most of which are believed to be composed of older stars. The best known example is Rigel [See Link], the brightest star in the constellation of Orion. Its mass is about 20 times that of the Sun, and its luminosity is more than 60,000 times greater. Despite their rarity and their short lives they are heavily represented among the stars visible to the naked eye; their inherent brightness trumps their scarcity.

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13y ago

Blue stars are massive, luminous, spectral type O. O stars have a surface temperature of 30,000°-50,000°C and masses of 20-100 solar masses. Their spectra are dominated by emission lines of singly ionized helium (these lines forming the so-called Pickering series). Most other lines are from at least doubly ionized elements, though H and He I lines are also present.

O stars are powerful ionizers of the surrounding interstellar medium, giving rise to large, bright emission nebulae and virtually defining the spiral of the Milky Way. Most O stars are very fast rotators. They have lifetimes of only 3 to 6 million years. Well-known examples include Alnitak, the left-most star in Orion's belt (Zeta Orionis) and Naos (Zeta Puppis), a "deck" star of Jason's ship, the Argo.

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12y ago

Rigel, Spica, VV Cephei B, Algol A are a few examples of B-type stars, which are blue in colour, very hot and bright if viewed from a set distance (high absolute magnitude).

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