

What are causes of skin rash?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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laundry detergents, skin creams, sun tan lotions, plants. this could also be an allergic reaction... you should have an allergy test done

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Q: What are causes of skin rash?
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You can get photos of skin rash on image hosting websites. Just type skin rash pictures into a web browser and you will be provided with many results.

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yes it does, it sometimes causes red rash and red spots, plus itch for some people.

What are the most common causes of skin rashes?

There are several skin rashes that don't itch. The most common are rosacea, heat rash, rocky mountain spotted fever, and shingles (which is painful). These rashes can leave skin red and irritated.

Is a skin infection the same as a rash?

Rash is a kind of skin infection so I guess it is the same

Where can you see a picture of molluscum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin rash caused by a pox virus (not the same virus that causes chicken pox). Pictures of this rash are often used in medical training and diagnosis or for individuals attempting to self-diagnose a rash.

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Why do rashes have cuts in skin?

cause its a rash? Maybe the rash itches a lot, and too much scratching has cut the skin.