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Generation Y has no exact definition, but people born after 1980 and before 2005 or thereabouts are usually said to comprise Generation Y. Generation Y people are said to have been influenced by MTV during their formative years.

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Speed Demons Community-Organizers Open Books Micro Miners (thrive on small bits of information)

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not seeming to care about much besides their own gain

apathetic (not able to be riled up like the kids of the 60s/70s)


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Is generation y 1992?

1992 is part of generation y, since generation y starts between 1982-1995.

What characteristics that are passed from parent to their children?

Characteristics that are passed on through family generation to generation are known as hereditary or inherited characteristics

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What is the generation after generation Y?

This is generation is being called "Generation I". This is anyone born after 2001.

What is gen gen?

generation x or generation y is the demograpic cohort

You were born in 1991 what generation do you fall under?

Generation Y.

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1999 falls within the millennial generation, which typically includes individuals born between 1981 and 1996.

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The genes found in DNA transfer characteristics from one generation to the next.

If you were born in 1985 what generation are you?

people born from 1990 to 1995 are generation y everyone born after 1995 is not generation y becaus they where to young to remember anything from 90s. so everyone born after 1995 is generation z

Who are Generation X and Y?

Generation X refers to the generation born in the early 1960's to the early 1980's. Generation Y is the generation after that, those born from the early 80's to the early 2000's.

Why is generation y called y?

Generation Y refers to the population group in the US born from somewhere around 1976 to around 2000. All population groups tend to be tarred with generalizations, some accurate, and some completely missing the mark. Generation Y followed Generation X. The coiners of generation names evidently had a lapse of creativity.