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The Creep's agents of erosion are water and gravity. Because of how slow the entire process is, the Creep can take many years to become obvious to the casual observer.

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Q: What are creeps agents of erosion?
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What are two agents of erosion.?

What are two agents of erosion.?

What characteristic is common to all agents of erosion?

the common agents of erosion is water , to improved

What are 2 examples of slow mass erosion?

Creeps, Rockfalls, Slumps, and Mudslides

What are three transporting agents of erosion?

water erosion, wind erosion, and glacial erosion.

What are the agents of soil erosion?

To convert with gravity, the major agents of soil erosion are wind, water and ice.

What are four agents of erosion?

There are four main agents of erosion including wind. Other forms of erosion include water, ice, and variations in temperature.

How is gravity differ from all other agents of erosion?

no erosion

Which of the agents of erosion is the fastest?

Water is the fastest agent of erosion.

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How does gravity differ from other agents of erosion?

gravity is pulling the rock materials down by its force but agents of erosion is changing of rocks

The chief agents of erosion include what?

Wind and water are two of the primary agents in erosion. The Grand Canyon was formed by water erosion by the Colorado River over 17 million years.

What are the agents of denudation?

Erosion , Transportation and deposition