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A descriptive phrase is added information to the subject, object,... E.g.: The girl (= subject) + who thought she was beautiful (= descriptive phrase) + verb

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Q: What are descriptive phrases?
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Which phrases does not use descriptive language that appeals to the senses?

Phrases that do not use descriptive language do not use active verbs and that do not contain imagery that evokes the senses.

which phrases does not use descriptive language language appeals to the senses?

Phrases that do not use descriptive language do not use active verbs and that do not contain imagery that evokes the senses.

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wat doese phrases for people mean please tell me

What is a Descriptive Phrase?

Phrases that describe. Example (not descriptive): a girl Example (descriptive): a girl with her hair tied up in a precise bun

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Grotesque and morbid.

What does descriptive phrases mean?

Descripitve phrases mean when u are compareing with some thing. Like you are as blind as a bat

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Definition of descriptive poetry?

Descriptive poetry is when you choose a topic (for ex. friend, world war2, an island or your mom)and you would use sentences or phrases describing that topic which would be at least 10 phrases.

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You need to read it.