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diet root beer diet pepsi diet Sprite

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Q: What are different types of diet soda?
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What are the types of soda?

coke pepsi diet coke diet pepsi sprite orange soda grape soda

What makes regular soda different from diet soda?

The main factor is the sweetening agent. Regular soda sweetens with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Diet soda uses aspartame

Does regular and diet soda taste different?

Yes they taste very different

Does diet soda have more gas than normal soda?

No, it has less gas than normal soda. I just did an experiment at school where we measured the gas content of different soda brands and the regular, diet, and diet-caffeine free versions of the sodas. Regular had the most and diet-caffeine had the least.

What is in diet soda than just soda?

Both regular soda and diet soda are sweetened, but diet soda is sweetened with artificial sweetener and thus has few or no calories.

Whch soda has most carbonation?

Almost all types of sodas gotta similar level of carbonation, probably Coke and Spride are the best examples, unless if it is a diet soda like diet coke.

Is there really a diet for people who have different blood types?

Yes different diets are needed for people who have different blood types. There is no one cure-all diet for everyone. People need different diets for different needs and not everyone needs a diet.

Does Mentos and soda only work with diet soda?

Nope, both regular and diet soda work. Although Diet soda is preferable since it erupts more violently.

Why were there so many types of hominins?

different enviroments lead to different types of them and also due to their diet

What are different types of liquids?

soda, water, coffee, tea etc.

Is there sugar in club soda?

No, because if diet soda has sugar in it, people won't call it diet soda.

What soda is the healthiest soda to drink?

Neither diet soda or regular soda is good for you to drink. Try sweetening water with fruit like lemons or limes.