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A group of people that all use the same product and convince you to buy it by telling you that you need to use it because everybody else is.

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Q: What are examples of bandwagon advertising?
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What Television ads use bandwagon advertising?

State Farm Commercials

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What does bandwagon means?

the bandwagon appeal is an advertising technique that makes the claim that a product is desirable because it is being used by lots of desirable people.

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It is not bandwagon advertising that is so because it is endorsements

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What is the goal of bandwagon advertising?

To get you to do something because all the "cool" people are doing it

What does bandwagon appeal mean?

the bandwagon appeal is an advertising technique that makes the claim that a product is desirable because it is being used by lots of desirable people.

The goal of bandwagon advertising is to?

influence you to buy something because cool people buy it

What type of advertising technique is thisDon’t be the last one in your neighborhood to own this amazing product!?
