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finger nails are an example found in the human body

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An example of enzymes found in the digestive system is Amylase, which is found in saliva.

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Q: What is an example of a specific enzyme in the human body?
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What enzymes are present in human bodies?

There is a huge amount of enzyme types in the human body. We have digestive enzymes such as pepsinogen, cardiac enzymes such as Trop-I, liver enzymes such as GGT. If you are curious of enzymes in the human body I suggest you look at specific systems or organs. An example would be to ask the internets about "pancreatic enzymes".

What is an example of an enzyme in your body?

An example of an enzyme in the body is amylase I and II. They are produced by chewing and by the pancreas respectively. They both aid in the digestive process in the body.

Why does enzymes only work on one substance?

Yes every enzyme has a specific site to react on , so if a body is lacking certain kind of enzyme the corresponding reaction will not occur

What is the name of smallest enzyme present in the human body?


Is enzyme a food additive?

No, an enzyme is a chemical that is in your body and breaks down food in your body. For example starch is broken down by the enzyme Lipase. Hope this helps. X

What the enzyme in the pancreas?

How many litres of blood are found in the human body

Where is the maltase enzyme located in the human body?

in the Ileum of the small intestine

What is the Optimum temperature for enzymes?

It depends on the type of enzyme and where that enzyme is located. For example, an average enzyme in the human body prefers 98.6 degrees F plus or minus a few degrees depending on where the enzyme is in the body. It is interesting to note that a high fever is fatal to the human body because the temperature of the body gets too high and the enzyme begins to unravel. Therefore their function stops and, without that function, the human body will begin to shut down leading to possible death. Other enzymes function in completely different temperatures. For example, extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme conditions (hence the name) ranging from about 0 degrees Fahrenheit to upwards of about 180 degrees F. Obviously they need their enzymes to function at these temperatures extreme temperatures and therefore these temperatures are their optimum temperature.

Is an enzyme a substance?

Yes, an enzyme is a substance, an organic substance, because it is a protein, and all proteins contain carbon, which is the definition of an organic substance. I had to find this out for Biology GCSE and found that not many people actually knew. Hope it helps :O)

What happens to an enzyme and structure as it exceeds the typical human body temperature?

The enzyme can denature and will not function because it is no longer in the proper shape.

Where in the body is amylase?

Amylase is an enzyme in the human body that assists with the changing of starch into sugars. It is present in human saliva.

Is amylase organic?

yes it is since it is an enzyme that is made by the human body to break down starch