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Q: What are examples of suspense in the book uglies?
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What is foreshadowing in the book Uglies?

In the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld, foreshadowing is used to hint at events or developments that will happen later in the story. For example, references to the mysterious Rusty Ruins foreshadow the importance of the past civilization in understanding the current society in the book. Foreshadowing creates suspense and builds anticipation for readers as they try to piece together clues about what will happen next.

What order do the Uglies series go in?

I know for sure the first three are: Uglies, Pretties, Specials and I believe the fourth is Extras...but I thought it was a 5 book series and I can't figure out what the last one is if there is one??

What is the mood of the book UGLIES?


Where can you find the fifth Uglies book?

There are four books only-- Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras.

What book and what page from the Uglies series explain about Specials?

They're first explained after page 101 of Uglies

How long is the book Uglies?

It has 425 pages

What chapter is the climax in the book uglies?


what is worshiped in the book uglies?

Ugly people

How many chapters are in the book uglies?


Is there another book coming out after Extras in the Uglies series?

"Extras" is the final book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. There are no planned sequels after "Extras."

What is a example of a onomatopoeia in the book uglies?

In the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld, an example of onomatopoeia is "whump," which is used to describe a sound when something hits a surface heavily.

What is Paris nickname in the book the uglies?

In the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld, Paris' nickname is "Peris." He is the childhood best friend of the main character, Tally Youngblood.