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A Black Dragonfish is a very long, very thin fish that lives in deep water and will go as low in the water as about 2 thousand feet.

They are at home in the depths of the ocean and will spend their entire lives there, without surfacing much closer than a thousand feet below the surface.

The female has very tiny eyes and extremely long fangs which are used for catching their prey. They will feed primarily on other fishes and may bait them in by the use of lights which they have all over their bodies.

The Black Dragonfish has a very unique ability. Like a lot of fish who live in the deep ocean or sea, it can make its own headlight.

The fish has what are called photophores scattered all along its body, and has two rows of much larger lights down its sides to help it light its way to where its going.

The male is much smaller, in fact about one tenth the size of the female. It has no teeth, no long chin barbell and has a non working gut.

Instead of being black, it is very dark brown to dull brown in color. The chin barbel of the female has a very thin luminous light up tip. This is most likely part of the bait that is used to attract prey.

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The life cycle of a black dragonfish is thought to be around 1 year. This is because the fish doesnÕt have advanced intestines.

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How do you catch a black dragonfish?

the black dragonfish likes meat so i would probably get a fish like the beta because dragonfish will eat anything smaller than itself. or you can set a glass trap underwater to catch it because you fo not want to touch a dragonfish because it will bite your finger off.

What is the scientific name for the Black Dragonfish?

The Black Dragonfish is Idiacanthus atlanticus. For a good website with more information and some clear pictures, see the related links below.

Where does the Black dragonfish live?

the deep zone or midnight zone

Where do Black Dragonfish live?

In the Antarctic ocean, deep in the water where everything is pitch black.

When was Little dragonfish created?

Little dragonfish was created in 1766.

Black dragonfish how long they live?

um...... no sea dragons live for about 3-4 years i dont know where you got your information but it is incorect A sea dragon can live for over 250 years. actually a sea dragon can live up to ten years. you both are incorrect P.S. you misspelled incorrect =)

How long are dragonfish?

they are up to be 2 feet!!

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The scaly dragonfish or boa dragonfish is a medium-sized abyssal barbeled dragonfish. This fish has a lifespan of 3.5 years.

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