

What are five fact about raccoons?

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βˆ™ 12y ago

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  1. They are found in North America, Europe and Asia.
  2. They are the best climbers out of a lot of animals ever at birth.
  3. There hands are extremely sensitive and can navigate them around a cave.
  4. They are only a little bigger than a house cat meaning that they have several predators. (Wolf, bear, cougar, alligator, etc.)
  5. They are omnivores, meaning that they will eat both plants and meat and even human trash.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: What are five fact about raccoons?
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No, there is no language of drowning raccoons. In fact, it is unlikely a raccoon would drown as they are excellent swimmers.

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no, racoons are visious and kill cats. My cats dont mind the raccoon that eats their food

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We are in fact in the middle of an investigation to answer this question. We first attracted raccoons to our balcony by leaving out some garbage. When a family of raccoons arrived we pelted them with empty beer bottles until we finally wore them down and got a killer headshot. We then continued to skin the raccoon and decapitate it. The raccoon head was then placed on the top of a pike and placed next to the front gate. As of yet the raccoons have not yet returned. They realise the danger that awaits beyond those pillars. So to answer your question peter is in fact a batty and if raccoons come onto my balcony i will kill them.

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Raccoons will eat garbage. This means rats will stay away. Fun fact: Raccoons wash their food before they eat it!

Do raccoons lose baby teeth?

Somewhere around five months they lose their baby teeth.

Are raccoons mammals?

Yes, the females give birth to two to five live young kits.

Do raccoons have opposable thumbs?

No, raccoons do not have opposing thumbs. Opposing thumbs are mostly confined to primates, such as man and apes. Each raccoon paw has five normal toes (or fingers) that can grasp objects but no thumbs.

Are raccoons birds?

Raccoons are not birds. Raccoons are mammals.

What are five animals in the omnivore group?

humans, black bear, achisaurus(this one is extinct) ,seagulls, raccoons, skunk.

Natural predators of turkey vultures?

the turkey vultures predators are skunks,owls,raccoons,hawks,bobcats,and snakes. And that is a fact.

Are raccoons invertebrates or vertebrates?

Raccoons are vertebrates. They have a spinal column.