

What are fixed direct costs?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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8y ago

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Direct cost are cost which can be directly related to or identified with a particular product or department e.g materials used to make a product, but they could be fixed . Example if their are three computer production lines a special machine is required needed for only one of the computer. i

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Q: What are fixed direct costs?
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Is direct material and labor a fixed cost?

If direct material and direct labor remains fixed irrespective of production volume then these are fixed costs otherwise these are variable costs and normally these are variable costs because it varies with the production volume.

Are all direct cost are variable?

Yes generally direct costs are variable costs but there may be some direct costs which can be fixed costs as well.

Can direct costs display a fixed or variable behavior pattern?

Yes direct cost may be a fixed or variable cost or both.

Examples of semi variable direct costs?

An example of semi variable direct costs is wages. Since semi variable costs are partially fixed and variable, regular labor is fixed costs, as production rises and workers have overtime the overtime is considered the variable cost.

Is it true that all direct costs are variable costs?

All variable costs are those costs which vary with the variation in the volume of production as well as direct costs are those costs which are directly attributable to any specific unit of product so it may be accepted that all direct costs are variable costs but fixed costs may also be direct cost.

What are variable direct costs?

They are costs that involve an element of both fixed and variable costs eg a telephone bill involves line rental (fixed) plus cost for calls made (variable)

Are all direct costs variable?

Direct Cost are those costs that can be directly assigned to a production process. Indirect cost were those costs that cannot be directly assigned to production process but have to allocate to production. Variable costs are those costs that vary directly with the production level. Only Direct cost could be variable . But not all direct cost are variable. Thus direct cost contains both Variable and Fixed elements while indirect costs contains only fixed element.

What are semi variable direct costs?

They are costs that involve an element of both fixed and variable costs eg a telephone bill involves line rental (fixed) plus cost for calls made (variable)

Is direct material a selling cost?

is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost, is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost,

What are prime cost?

Prime Costs: Prime costs are those costs which are prime importance for making any product and include: Prime Cost = Direct Material + Direct Labor

Are all costs variable?

Direct Cost are those costs that can be directly assigned to a production process. Indirect cost were those costs that cannot be directly assigned to production process but have to allocate to production. Variable costs are those costs that vary directly with the production level. Only Direct cost could be variable . But not all direct cost are variable. Thus direct cost contains both Variable and Fixed elements while indirect costs contains only fixed element.

Are direct materials fixed costs?

Direct material is variable cost because to produce any unit of product direct material required which changes with change in production level.